Fara Yadeez

Fara Yadeez was a female bureaucrat from Troithe. During the Galactic Civil War, she served as an aide to her planet's undersecretary for Imperial affairs. When the New Republic invaded Troithe shortly after the Battle of Endor, Yadeez would rise to the position of Acting Governor following the death of Governor Hastemoor. In this capacity, she struck an alliance with Colonel Soran Keize, whose 204th Imperial Fighter Wing managed to briefly recapture the world. However, Yadeez's hopes for an Imperial Troithe were dashed when New Republic reinforcements arrived, while Keize and the 204th betrayed her and escaped; she would be captured and face war crimes charges for the actions of Imperial guerillas during the campaign.


Yadeez grew up on the Deep Core city-world of Troithe, during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She rarely experienced natural climate phenomena such as snowfalls, causing her to doubt the authenticity of artificial weather created by climate emulators. Yadeez heard stories of the Clone Wars from her grandfather, who recounted atrocities on worlds that had been driven to starvation and fury—something that she would recall later in her life during the Imperial resistance on Troithe.

Eventually, Yadeez became the aide to the Troithe's , and thus a member—albeit a low-ranking one—of the planet's line of succession.

Acting Governor of Troithe

After the presumed death of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine fractured the Empire, the New Republic—formed out of the former Rebel Alliance—launched a campaign to liberate the Cerberon system, including Troithe. Once the New Republic battle group, led by General Hera Syndulla, reached Troithe, the planet's defenses quickly collapsed, and Imperial command lost contact with various units in peripheral districts, such as . Imperial forces fought a war of attrition, but much of the Imperial civilian leadership—including the cabinet, advisory council, and Governor Hastemoor himself—was killed when the New Republic attacked the capital district.

With Hastemoor's death, Yadeez assumed control over the remaining Imperial holdouts, retreating to an aging refinery district on the north end of Troithe's city continent. She would remain sheltered there until the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing (known as "Shadow Wing") managed to knock out the Lodestar—the New Republic flagship guarding the planet in Syndulla's temporary absence—and recapture the world from the New Republic. Yadeez contacted the 204th's commanding officer, Colonel Soran Keize; while asserting her position as Acting Governor of the planet, she made her scattered forces available to his command.

Working with Shadow Wing

Unbeknownst to Yadeez, Keize had only sought to strike at Syndulla's force in retaliation for a defeat that Shadow Wing had suffered over the planet Pandem Nai; he had never intended to recapture Troithe for the Empire. Nevertheless, Keize went along with the Acting Governor's efforts while secretly trying to devise a way to escape from Troithe, as his carrier, the Edict, had also been destroyed.

Yadeez worked closely with Soran Keize, leader of Shadow Wing, despite suspecting his secret intentions to escape off-world

Yadeez worked closely with Soran Keize, leader of Shadow Wing, despite suspecting his secret intentions to escape off-world

With their newfound aerial superiority over the planet, Shadow Wing went about neutralizing the remaining pockets of New Republic resistance. After Keize became interested in a large bulk freighter present at the Core Nine mining megafacility, Yadeez grew to suspect that Shadow Wing's true objective was to escape off-world, but nevertheless continued working with him. Despite her new power, Yadeez was unable to restrain Imperial guerilla forces in areas such as the Nine Boats District, that began committing atrocities against pro-New Republic civilians.

Yadeez was able to bring the freighter back online just as New Republic ground forces, supported by elements of Alphabet Squadron, attacked the Core Nine facility. While Keize planned to fight against the New Republic from the front lines, Yadeez prevented him from doing so and reminded him that his ship—which she knew he was planned on escaping with—was ready. She rebuffed Keize's offer to join him on the ship, instead electing to stay with her people on Troithe.

Keize and Shadow Wing were ultimately able to escape the planet into hyperspace, despite the reappearance of Syndulla, bringing New Republic reinforcements. In the aftermath of the battle, Yadeez was captured and imprisoned by the New Republic. While New Republic Intelligence sought to interrogate Yadeez concerning the trajectory of the freighter, Syndulla mentioned that Chancellor Mon Mothma planned to hold Yadeez accountable for the war crimes committed by Imperial forces on Troithe.

Personality and traits

Fara Yadeez was a young woman with dark skin, elaborately braided hair, and gemstone studs. Despite the chaotic nature of her rise to power, she presented herself with formality and dignity, and even affected an aristocratic manner that masked her more humble origins—a mask that she would drop with Soran Keize, as the Imperial hold on the planet crumbled around them.

She was firm in her loyalty to her people and to the Empire, though she disdained the atrocities committed by Imperial guerillas against Troithe civilians and regretted that she could not exercise effective command over her troops. Yadeez demonstrated a similar loyalty to Shadow Wing by helping them repair the Core Nine freighter, even as she suspected they had no intentions of helping her; she recognized that the Cerberon campaign was but a small part of the war, and believed that the 204th was more important to the Empire than her own planet was. Rejecting Keize's plea to save herself, she chose to remain on Troithe despite its imminent recapture by the New Republic.

Behind the scenes

Fara Yadeez first appeared in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, the second installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy which was written by Alexander Freed.












