Cerberon system campaign


New Republic High Command was terrified at the idea of Troithe being used as a shortcut between Core Worlds. As a result, they sent General Hera Syndulla with the Lodestar and its fleet to combat Imperial forces there.

Early skirmishes

New Republic forces first started to engage the Imperials in the many asteroids and orbital stations that orbited the system's singularity.

Landing on Troithe

Chass na Chadic and Yrica Quell dispatched a dozen TIE/LN starfighters in the system's debris field. Once the Cerberon system space force had been pushed back enough, New Republic troops made landings.

Taking the Capital

Instead of taking a drawn out siege of the Capital City to starve out the Governor, the New Republic decided to rush headlong into the main city. First, the Republic pushed through the Cybersynth District. Then, after a fight with Kraken-class deep lurkers in the Thannerhouse District were in position for a direct attack on the Governor. Governor Hastemoor stubbornly held out with hundreds of stormtroopers, Imperial Army troopers, and scout walkers. Despite losing hundred of soldiers in the 61st Mobile Infantry, the Republic won the battle and defeated most of the remaining garrison, but many insurgents and pro-Imperial civilians remained.

Planning for a trap

Caern Adan, still obsessed with finding and destroying Shadow Wing, believed that this system would serve as the perfect bait. Adan convinced General Syndulla to let the Governor's distress calls be let through. A large asteroid was also in the system in a wide orbit of Troithe. This asteroid would be perfect for any Imperials trying to sneak past Troithe's orbital defenses, allowing them to have a perfect first strike. Commandos from the 61st would be hidden on the asteroid. As the TIE pilots landed, the commandos would slit their throats.

Battle above Troithe

The Lodestar and the Edict began to pummel each other with turbolaser blasts. Meanwhile, the few New Republic fighters that could be spared were mobilized and launched. Soran Keize personally led his squadron into the New Republic's cruiser and started making attacks on Hail Squadron, Alphabet Squadron, and the Acclamator. Nath Tensent led a detachment of Y-wings and performed bombing runs with his BTL Y-wing starfighter, launching ion torpedo after ion torpedo into the Star Destroyer's shields. Kieze returned from commanding the Aerie above Catadra, and his squadron devastated Meteor Squadron, leaving the ship vulnerable to more attack runs. Soon, major hull breaches popped up in the Lodestar. A major fire started to spread near the engine room, and the order was given to evacuate. Escape pods shot out as the Lodestar split apart in a storm of debris. However, the Edict was still badly damaged. Despite the inexperienced training crew's best efforts, the Edict, in the attempt to finish off the Lodestar, came under fire from stations in orbit of Troithe. Both capital ships plunged down into Troithe. Tensent thought about giving an order to evacuate the city below, but there was no time. Thankfully, the shield held, allowing New Republic forces to hold out.


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