Gansevor, known as the "planet of knives," was a rocky, mountainous planet located in the Tammuz sector of the Outer Rim Territories, and on the Republic frontier. The planet was located far outside of any standard trade routes and transport lanes, aditionally off-planet communications were not available. Nevertheless the Republic admitted the world into it. According to Tozen the Republic made promises to expand the communications network to the planet and connect it to the hyperlanes which, according to him, were ultimately not fulfilled. Additionally the Republic practically did not have a presence on the planet. The planet's surface was desolate, covered almost completely in rocky spires. Around 382 BBY, the city Firevale was besieged by an army from a rival city, Bethune, as they believed Firevale had stole their princess. In response, Seleen, Firevale's envoy on the planet's central government sent out a request for aid from the Jedi Order, and the Jedi Masters Porter Engle and Barash Silvain traveled to Gansevor to settle the matter. The two Jedi eventually managed to resolve the conflict although many lives were lost in a bloody battle.
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia