Garen IV penal colony

A penal colony belonging to the Galactic Empire was located on the planet Garen IV during the Galactic Civil War. In 2 BBY, the heir to the throne of the planet Hargeeva, Lord Stevan Makintay, was imprisoned in the colony by his father, Governor Makintay, for deciding to marry the lowborn Ketrian Altronel. A year after the lord's incarceration, he was freed during a raid on the colony by members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The colony was mentioned in "Firepower," a short story written by Carolyn Golledge and published by West End Games in Star Wars Adventure Journal 8, which was released in November, 1995.

Behind the scenes

The colony was mentioned in "Firepower," a short story written by Carolyn Golledge and published by West End Games in Star Wars Adventure Journal 8, which was released in November, 1995.



