Gen Tiraan's R2-series astromech droid

A group of Republic operatives traveled to the Corellian system in search of Tiraan. Upon their arrival in the system, a Republic agent provided a copy of a scrambled transmission—containing plans for the engine—which he had detected being sent from one of the system's planets. The group attempted to uncover Tiraan's location and rescue both him and his astromech droid before the Empire, which was trying to leverage the engineer into their employ, could capture him.

Like all R2-series astromech droids of the R-series line, Tiraan's R2 unit was manufactured by Industrial Automaton.

Gen Tiraan's R2 unit was mentioned in Wanted by Cracken, a 1993 sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars Roleplaying Game written by Louis J. Prosperi. The droid was mentioned in Tiraan's game information among his equipment and was pictured alongside the engineer in an illustration by Mike Jackson.

Behind the scenes

Gen Tiraan's R2 unit was mentioned in Wanted by Cracken, a 1993 sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars Roleplaying Game written by Louis J. Prosperi. The droid was mentioned in Tiraan's game information among his equipment and was pictured alongside the engineer in an illustration by Mike Jackson.

