
Giantism or gigantism was a medical deformity which resulted in a being growing far larger than the norm. Low theloxin levels in a Pau'an would possibly result in this. 11-4D knew this when inquired as to by Darth Plagueis. Similar results could also be achieved chemically, as was the case with Erdan, a Human slave who had been artificially enlarged by his owner. The former Jedi Knight and Prophets of the Dark Side named Jedgar was a Human giant, measuring 2.3 meters while his species averaged 1.8 meters. By abuse of language, the word "giant" was also used to describe bigger breeds within a given species, such as the giant thranta, or even a species in which greater size was normal, such as the Kashyyykian giant weaver. Additionally, species that were far larger than most humanoids were often referred to as giants, including the extinct Gargantelles of Boz Pity, whose statures topped twenty meters, and the B'rknaa of Indobok.






