The Global Organization of Interstellar Shippers was based on the planet Gandle Ott, located in the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The group was comprised of members of the largest transport corporations from across the world. In 8 ABY, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar made a layover at Gandle Ott while in pursuit of Moff Kentor Sarne, a rogue Imperial warlord. During the second day of the FarStars visit, a delegation from the corvette's command crew met with representatives of the Global Organization of Interstellar Shippers for a luncheon.
The Global Organization of Interstellar Shippers was first mentioned in Death Is Remotely Possible, the third RPG adventure in The DarkStryder Campaign published by West End Games in 1995. The organization was later mentioned in 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.
- The DarkStryder Campaign
- The DarkStryder Campaign, Deluxe
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia