Hangar Ten

Hangar Ten was located in Echo Base, the headquarters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic on the planet Hoth. During the Battle of Hoth, Corpoal Jobin and two of his fellow troopers attempted to flee incoming snowtroopers by evacuating from Hangar Ten, but Jobin was shot down and unable to escape. The other troopers were able to leave the planet in a Y-wing, but Jobin remained and was executed by the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

Hangar Ten first appeared in "Entrenched," a short story written by Alex Jaeger and M. Zachary Sherman, and also illustrated by Jaeger. The short story was published in the 2006 graphic novel anthonology Star Wars: Visionaries.

Behind the scenes

Hangar Ten first appeared in "Entrenched," a short story written by Alex Jaeger and M. Zachary Sherman, and also illustrated by Jaeger. The short story was published in the 2006 graphic novel anthonology Star Wars: Visionaries.



