The comic is set five months after the First Battle of Geonosis and chronicles the Battle of Nadiem. In this comic, Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee, go to a small village on Nadiem. When a man tries to sneak all of his belongings—after the villagers were told not to take any—onto a transport, Unduli discovers him and teaches Offee about hiding in plain sight. Offee then goes to find a group of refugees and learns a squad of clone commandos plans to set off detonators to stop an incoming Confederacy of Independent Systems force. Offee goes to the spot with the clones, and they all pretend to be dead when a CIS scout comes, thus hiding in plain sight. Unduli does not think that her Padawan survives but attacks the CIS force anyways with her own Galactic Republic force. Offee then reveals herself to her master by setting off the trap, thus winning the battle.
The comic is set five months after the First Battle of Geonosis and chronicles the Battle of Nadiem. In this comic, Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee, go to a small village on Nadiem. When a man tries to sneak all of his belongings—after the villagers were told not to take any—onto a transport, Unduli discovers him and teaches Offee about hiding in plain sight. Offee then goes to find a group of refugees and learns a squad of clone commandos plans to set off detonators to stop an incoming Confederacy of Independent Systems force. Offee goes to the spot with the clones, and they all pretend to be dead when a CIS scout comes, thus hiding in plain sight. Unduli does not think that her Padawan survives but attacks the CIS force anyways with her own Galactic Republic force. Offee then reveals herself to her master by setting off the trap, thus winning the battle.