
At one point, the Laboi crime lord Qa'till, whose employees killed the Rebel operative, assumed control over the planet's starship maintenance operations. R2z-DL, however, continued his Alliance assignment, eventually passing on information that facilitated the liberation of the planet Vilosoria from the Galactic Empire's control.


Hypotria was a terrestrial planet located in the Hypotria system, a part of the Bortele sector in the Slice portion of the Mid Rim.

Repairs and espionage

During the Galactic Civil War, a deep-cover Rebel Alliance operative was posted on Hypotria. Their R2z Starship Maintenance Droid, R2z-DL, who was posing as a starship maintenance droid operating out of a repair shop, was tasked with stealing data from ships arriving for repairs and then placing that information in the memory banks of vessels carrying special Alliance codes—with very few Rebel agents encountering the droid personally. At one point, however, employees of the murderous Laboi crime lord Qa'till killed the operative.

Qa'till ultimately consolidated and gained control over all of Hypotria's starship maintenance operations. R2z-DL, who continued his assignment for the Alliance—and, in doing so, operated behind enemy lines—used the changing situation to his advantage. The droid created programs that monitored any incoming starships and made it so that the vessels that were most likely to carry useful information aboard were routed to his repair shop. Occasionally, the mechanical spy also initiated false repair requests so that he could work on ships with especially high potential as sources of valuable information.

A vital data packet

R2z-DL's espionage work on Hypotria, in the Bortele sector, influenced events in the neighboring Lifh sector.

R2z-DL's espionage work on Hypotria, in the Bortele sector, influenced events in the neighboring Lifh sector.

At some point by the time shortly after the Battle of Yavin, R2z-DL, who was tracking the movements of the Galactic Empire's forces near the neighboring Lifh sector's planet Vilosoria, obtained Imperial codes, information about the Empire's supply lines in the Lifh sector, the patrol routes of the Imperial Interdictor cruiser Fireclaw, reports on malfunctions in that vessel's gravity well projectors, and a description of the seasonal physiological cycles underwent by Vilosoria's native Vilosorian species. The droid hid all of that information in a data packet aboard the Y-wing starfighter of the Alliance pilot Koedi Raef, who discovered it while traveling through the Lifh sector. The information ultimately facilitated the liberation of Vilosoria from Imperial control.

Alliance General Airen Cracken later noted R2z-DL's posting on Hypotria in an entry dedicated to the droid that was part of a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives. Qa'till's control over the planet's starship maintenance services continued into the time of the New Republic, which was formed in 4 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Hypotria was created by Chuck Truett and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, it was illustrated by Doug Shuler. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Hypotria system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square S-8.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
