
Vilosoria was a Mid Rim planet situated in the Lifh sector. It was the homeworld of the Vilosorian species, which cycled between being docile beings and vicious carnivores based on the change of seasons on the planet. Vilosoria was invaded by the Galactic Empire, which established a garrison there. Not long thereafter, during the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance droid R2z-DL passed on information about Imperial activities in the sector, the patrol routes and malfunction reports of the Empire's Interdictor cruiser Fireclaw, and a description of the Vilosorians' changes to the Alliance pilot Koedi Raef. Raef used the information to redirect the Fireclaw, leaving the garrison on Vilosoria without reinforcements, and subsequently the Alliance aided the transformed, carnivorous Vilosorians in liberating their homeworld.


Vilosoria was a terrestrial planet located in the Vilosoria system, a part of the Lifh sector in the Slice portion of the Mid Rim. Its seasons included winter, with the planet's seasonal cycle featuring an alternation of cold and warm months.


R2z-DL (pictured) played a vital role in Vilosoria's liberation from the Galactic Empire.

R2z-DL (pictured) played a vital role in Vilosoria's liberation from the Galactic Empire.

The Galactic Empire at one point invaded Vilosoria, establishing a garrison there. Not long thereafter, however—at some point by the time shortly after the Battle of Yavin—the Rebel Alliance astromech droid and spy R2z-DL, who was working undercover as a starship maintenance droid on the Bortele sector planet Hypotria, obtained Imperial codes, information about the Empire's supply lines in the Lifh sector, the patrol routes of the Imperial Interdictor cruiser Fireclaw, reports on malfunctions in that vessel's gravity well projectors, and a description of the seasonal cycles underwent by Vilosoria's native Vilosorian species.

R2z-DL hid all of that information in a data packet in the memory banks of the Y-wing starfighter of the Alliance pilot Koedi Raef. The latter discovered the data while she was traveling through the Lifh sector and, as part of a Rebel attempt to liberate Vilosoria from Imperial control, used the provided codes to order the Fireclaw to remain in its position until its gravity well projectors could be repaired, therefore leaving the garrison on the planet without reinforcements. Subsequently, with the aid of the Alliance, the Vilosorians, who had transformed into powerful carnivores upon the change of seasons on Vilosoria, were able to drive the garrison's troops off-world, liberating their homeworld. Alliance General Airen Cracken later noted the role of R2z-DL—who was credited for his actions and received the Alliance's Rohal Cross for valor—in the liberation of Vilosoria in an entry dedicated to the droid that was part of a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives.


Vilosoria was the homeworld of the sentient Vilosorian species, members of which underwent a seasonal cycle in which during the winter they were docile and calm beings while in the warmer months they turned into powerful, vicious carnivores. During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire also maintained a garrison on the planet.

Behind the scenes

Vilosoria was created by Chuck Truett and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Vilosoria system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square R-8.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
