
Inusagi was a planet in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. It was famous for its sakoola blossom festival.


Located in the galaxy's Mid Rim Territories, Inusagi was a wealthy planet ruled by a chieftess. Inusagi was famous for its traditional annual sakoola blossom festival as well as its rich culture. Although it lacked key exports, Inusagi benefitted from its proximity to wealthier planets with major exports, such as Naboo, the homeworld of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine.

Inusagi had a capital city that included a spaceport as well as the chieftess's palace. Passengers from the spaceport could be transported to the palace via zip port, round glass vehicles that were mounted on magnetic tracks. It was surrounded by green hills, lush valleys, and sparkling rivers. A river split into various pools that represented each of Inusagi's noble houses, with the largest one spilling over a cliff edge and into the ocean, creating a waterfall. The palace was situated on the cliff, rectangular in shape and made of stone that was milky brown in color. It overlooked the pools on one side and the ocean on the other.

The weather on Inusagi typically was breezy.


For centuries, Inusagi was a neutral planet, and was left alone to cultivate their famously beautiful landscapes. However, following the rise of the Galactic Empire, the new regime sought to bring Inusagi under its reign. After years of contention surrounding its status, it became allied with the Empire after the chieftess of Inusagi was pressured into signing a treaty in 6 BBY.

Shortly after, the Empire used the sakoola blossom festival to announce a new planetary leader, Governor Cor Tophervin, a personal friend of the Emperor. However, given Inusagi's relation to Naboo, the anti-Imperial Arane Oreida saw the party as an opportunity to send a message to the Empire, and she hired Saw Gerrera to infiltrate the festival. With invitations forged by Jyn Erso, Gerrera, Maia, and a group of Arane's partisans entered the festival in the chieftess's palace. There, they used FC-1 flechette launchers to massacre the guests, both Inusagian and Imperial.

Society and culture

Inusagian society was organized by multiple noble houses and their respective communities. Inusagians were mostly human and traditionally wore robes made of silk. There was a famous legend in Inusaigan culture of the starbird that described starbirds as living inside stars until they burned out, and were then turned into stardust that would eventually result in the bird being born again. Starbird imagery was prominent.

During the sakoola blossom festival, tents and street vendors populated the area where the sakoola trees were located. It was a popular tourist event for locals and visitors alike.

Behind the scenes

Inusagi appears in Beth Revis' 2017 canon novel Rebel Rising. Inusagi was Revis' favorite planet that she created for the novel.













