The poster debuted at the Lucasfilm Publishing: Behind the Page panel on May 27, 2022. Unlike Star Wars Droids Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away and the in-universe Traveler's Guide to Batuu, which label locations on their respective maps as planets, Star Wars Galaxy Map does not. While using varying iconography to differentiate nebulae and space stations, the map's key does not specify whether names appearing on the map are planetary names, system names or simply astronomical identifiers, however, Jason Fry has explained his stance on the naming conventions used by maps he has contributed to, stating: "the idea that the name on the map is the name in common galactic usage". Names on Jason Fry's "Atlas"-style maps do not indicate the existence of a singular astronomical body, such as a star or planet, as Jason Fry considers those, as-yet-unmentioned by canon sources, to be a personal "assumption" until established by "future storytelling". Jason has also stated that "planets not assigned a system in [a] published source can be assumed to reside in [the] system of [the] same name." This article asserts Jason Fry's collective comments to apply to Star Wars Galaxy Map as an extension of Jason's Systems Database, which himself and Lucasfilm have continued to maintain following Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm. The 749 labels are hereforth listed, as they appear on the map for ease of cross-referencing, linking to a confirmed canon system name. Where a system has yet to be explicitly named in a canon source the label links to the namesake within the as-yet-unnamed system.