Star Wars: Timelines

Star Wars: Timelines is a reference book considered canon and is authored by Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau, and Clayton Sandell. DK published it in the US on April 25, 2023, and in the UK on April 27, 2023. Notably, it was available early at Celebration Europe. The day after the book's release in the US, Jason Fry verified that the Star Wars Galaxy Map was not included, despite it still being advertised as such.

In June of 2023, Penguin Random House released a special edition, sold exclusively at certain retailers, that featured extra content. This now out-of-print edition contained 8 additional pages and included the previously missing Star Wars Galaxy Map.

Publisher's summary

Explore the complete history of Star Wars, from the era preceding the High Republic all the way to the First Order, with this impressive guide.

This book is a must-have for Star Wars enthusiasts, offering high-quality visual timelines that present key events, characters, and developments in chronological order, highlighting their significance.

Observe the pivotal conflicts that have shaped the galaxy over the years. Follow the journey of the Skywalker lightsaber through generations and witness the evolution of the famous TIE fighter across various periods. Trace the path of the Death Star plans over time and discover multiple detailed timelines that break down important battles.

Quickly grasp essential events organized by era and delve into the specifics to uncover major and minor occurrences, crucial dates, and intriguing insights, all arranged chronologically. Examine complex timelines on almost every page.




Amy Richau, one of the authors, considered her inclusion of the Ghorman Massacre in Timelines to be a "fancy" touch. She was later surprised when Star Wars: Andor provided backstory for the incident. According to previews on Amazon, Timelines originally placed the events of Episode IV A New Hope in 1 BBY. However, later previews showed Rogue One: A Star Wars Story as taking place in 1 BBY and A New Hope in "0" without specifying BBY or ABY.

Jason Fry only learned about the June 2023 expanded edition from a fan. After his wife bought him a copy, he was pleased to find that it included the Star Wars Galaxy Map.


Old Republic Era

  • Timelines sets the founding of the Republic around 20,000 BBY. However, The Star Wars Book previously stated the Galactic Republic was founded in 25,000 BBY. [15] It also claims the Republic's formation was due to the advent of hyperspace travel, even though hyperspace travel was developed by at least 30,000 BBY. [16]
  • According to Timelines, the destruction of the Shrine in the Depths on Coruscant and the building of the Jedi Temple occurred around 1032 BBY. However, Tarkin previously established that these events happened nearly five millennia before 14 BBY. The 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations had previously established that the Jedi Temple was merely reclaimed from the Sith some 1,000 years ago during the Liberation of Coruscant. Therefore, the Jedi Temple must have been already built before the end of the Jedi-Sith War .

High Republic Era

  • Timelines places the flashbacks in The High Republic Adventures: Quest of the Jedi in 382 BBY. However, these events cannot occur later than approximately 482 BBY. [17]
  • Timelines indicates that the events of The High Republic Adventures 1 happen at the same time as The High Republic: Light of the Jedi. However, author Daniel José Older had previously said the comic takes place after the novel. [18] Nevertheless, the placement given in Timelines matches the opening crawl of Adventures 1: the crawl establishes the issue is set before the dedication of the Starlight Beacon , [19] which is depicted at the end of Light of the Jedi . [20] Therefore, Adventures 1 must occur after the Nihil begin to track the Emergences in Light of the Jedi but before its ending, just as it is placed in Timelines .
  • Timelines positions the Battle of Takodana after the Battle at Gravity's Heart. Due to Nan's presence at a Nihil meeting at the beginning of The High Republic: The Edge of Balance, Vol. 2, where the Takodana attack is mentioned, [21] the attack must occur before Nan leaves the Nihil to work for the Graf family. Given that Nan was pressured to work for the Graf family after the Battle at Gravity's Heart, and she is said to have spent months away from the Nihil afterward, [22] the placement is impossible.
  • Although a promotional video for The Vow of Silver Dawn places it around 82 BBY, [23] Star Wars: Timelines later placed it in 200 BBY. As this article assumes Timelines is correct due to it being more recent and not contradicting anything in the text.

Late Republic Era

Anakin Skywalker heads out on his first field mission in Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi 1, thereby placing that comic to be set before the Obi-Wan and Anakin miniseries.

Imperial Era

The novel Thrawn is at the center of several timeline disputes
  • According to Timelines, the start of the novel Thrawn is set in 14 BBY. Despite fan theories suggesting an earlier start date of around 16 BBY [38] or approximately 15 BBY [39], the official stance was reinforced by Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide, which also specified 14 BBY. [40] However, the comic adaptation's first issue adds a layer of complexity, featuring clone troopers in Phase II armor serving the Empire,[41] which implies the story occurs during the early years of Imperial rule, not necessarily 14 BBY. In the novel Thrawn, Thrawn notes that he was only in his staged exile for a matter of months. As Timelines indicates, the events of Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, which portray the beginning of Thrawn's exile[42], transpire in 18 BBY, while his rescue from said exile happens in 14 BBY. Based on the events and timeline established within Thrawn,[43] the novel's timeline cannot span from 18 BBY to 2 BBY, a claim made by Timelines and suggested by Star Wars Rebels.[44]
  • Timelines indicates that the events of Darth Vader (2017) 18 precede the events of the novel Tarkin in the 14 BBY timeline. However, Vader's knowledge of Wilhuff Tarkin's history is gained in the novel [45], suggesting the comic takes place after the novel, as Vader possesses that knowledge. [46] This is supported by Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, which positions Vader 18 after Tarkin. [47]
  • According to Timelines, the story of Beckett 1 takes place in 11 BBY, superseding the previous placement of approximately 10 BBY as seen in " Tobias Beckett and Other Characters of the Underworld ." [48]
  • Timelines places the events of Star Wars (2015) 7 in 11 BBY. It then dates the events of Star Wars (2015) 15 and Star Wars (2015) 20 to the following year, 10 BBY. This dating was previously established in Star Wars Helmet Collection 66. However, as detailed here, issue 7 must occur in 9 BBY or 8 BBY, with Star Wars 15 and 20 both taking place in either 8 BBY or 7 BBY.
  • Timelines places " Powered Down, Part 1 " and II in 9 BBY, a date that was previously established in Star Wars Helmet Collection 78. However, it also places the events of Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure around 8 BBY. Since the "Powered Down" comics follow A Han & Chewie Adventure, this dating is impossible.
  • Timelines dates the primary events of Star Wars: Kanan to 5 BBY, and the flashbacks shown in Kanan 4 to 18 BBY. However, Kanan 6 indicates a fourteen year difference between the flashbacks in Kanan 4 and the story's main events,[49] suggesting an error in either the 5 BBY or 18 BBY placement. Nevertheless, the present-day events of Kanan also occur fifteen years after Order 66,[50] which Timelines places in 4 BBY. This suggests that the present-day events of Kanan occur in 4 BBY, making the 18 BBY date for the flashbacks correct.
  • Timelines dates " The Future of the Force " and " Legacy " to 3 BBY. Martin Fisher suggests the comic " Vulnerable Areas " occurs between these episodes,[51] while the booklet " Walkers and Ground Vehicles of the Empire and First Order " places it in 4 BBY. [52] Therefore, either the episode placement or the Star Wars Encyclopedia is incorrect.
  • Timelines incorrectly lists Ezra Bridger's death as occurring in 3 BBY; this is clearly a mistake and should be Ephraim Bridger.
  • Timelines places " Endangered, Part 1 " before Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow, but Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition and " Jabba the Hutt and Other Characters of the Underworld " had previously placed it afterward. [47] [53] Considering that "Endangered, Part 1" includes the Phantom, which is destroyed in Steps Into Shadow, Timelines' placement must be the accurate one.
  • Timelines dates the disappearance of the Ordu Aspectu to 20,000 BBY, but they supposedly used the Great Temple of Yavin 4, which wasn't constructed until around 5000 BBY.

New Republic/Resistance Era

  • Timelines originally placed the Liberation of Sullust in 4 ABY, but Battle of Jakku — Republic Under Siege 4 later pushed it back to 5 ABY. [54]
  • According to Timelines, Chandrila became the New Republic's capital and the location for the New Republic Senate after the events of Aftermath. However, Aftermath depicts Chandrila as the Senate's home, suggesting it was already the capital. [55]
  • Timelines initially dated the flashback sequences in " Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine " to approximately 5 ABY. Later, the " A Certain Point of View " section in Star Wars Insider 225 provided a precise date of 5 ABY. [56]
  • Timelines describes Maldo Kreis as "an ice moon," while Star Wars: The Mandalorian Handbook clarified that it is a planet.
  • Timelines lists the chronological order as: Life Day 1, Force Collector, " The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku ," and Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1. However, this order is incorrect according to the reasoning here. It also claims that Poe Dameron joined the Resistance in 33 ABY, which contradicts Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary and is inconsistent with his appearance in C-3PO 1.
  • Timelines indicates that Star Wars: Poe Dameron commences in 34 ABY. However, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary previously placed it two years before Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which would be 32 ABY. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary also establishes that Star Wars Resistance begins half a year before The Force Awakens, and Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge takes place half a year later. Given that both of these stories occur in 34 ABY,[57][58] the timeline for 34 ABY must be as follows: Resistance at the beginning of the year, The Force Awakens in the middle, and Galaxy's Edge at the end. Since Poe Dameron occurs before Resistance and shows a significant passage of time, it cannot also take place in 34 ABY. However, Poe Dameron 9 features the start of the alliance between Kanjiklub and the Guavian Death Gang due to their shared hatred of Han Solo,[59] a plot point that is resolved during The Force Awakens,[60] which does suggest a short passage of time by that point.
  • Timelines erroneously places Poe's story in Before the Awakening after " Robot Resistance," but it should be before.
  • Timelines states that C-3PO was upgraded to understand 7 million forms of communication around 27 ABY in the New Republic section, but the Rise of the First Order section places it in 33 ABY instead. " Jedi Master's Quiz," a section in Star Wars Insider 223, places his upgrade before the formation of the First Order,[61] which publicly occurred in 29 ABY according to Timelines, meaning c. 27 ABY must be the correct date.
  • Timelines claims that Kazuda Xiono fired at the bridge of the Thunderer while piloting the Fireball during the Battle of Aeos Prime. However, as shown in " No Place Safe," Xiono was actually flying Yeager's ship. [62]
  • Timelines places the events of " The Escape " in 34 ABY,[63] which contradicts Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy's placement of 35 ABY. [64] Furthermore, the timeline displayed at D23 Expo 2019 dated "The Escape" to 35 ABY by stating Star Wars Resistance concludes during that year. [65] Since Timelines is more recent than Battles that Changed the Galaxy and the D23 timeline was never officially released, the 35 ABY placement must have been overruled.
  • Timelines states that the Skywalker lightsaber was repaired in 35 ABY,[2] however, Rey uses the lightsaber during the events of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, which both occur in 34 ABY,[58] [66] making this placement impossible.

