Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1 represents the sixth individual issue within the canon comic book anthology series known as Star Wars: Age of Republic. Jody Houser served as the writer, while Wilton Santos and Cory Smith provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it to the public on February 6, 2019.
A PREVIOUSLY UNHEARD OF ANAKIN SKYWALKER STORY FROM THE CLONE WARS ERA! A chance to deal a serious blow to the SEPARATIST cause presents itself, but it comes at a steep price. Will ANAKIN succumb to the dark side, or remain faithful to the JEDI CODE? Featuring a guest appearance by OBI-WAN KENOBI!
A fierce dogfight unfolds in space over the Corvair Sector, with Republic ships battling Separatist forces. When a clone pilot flying a V-19 starfighter is struck and believes his life is ending, Anakin Skywalker appears to save him, quickly destroying the pursuing vulture droids with his Jedi Interceptor. Anakin and his clone squadron then collaborate to eliminate the remaining enemy forces. Later, aboard the Resolute, General Skywalker's Republic Venator, Anakin discusses the battle with Admiral Yularen. Given the unexpected strength of the droid forces, Yularen explains that Republic Intelligence has discovered a previously unknown droid factory on the Third Moon of Kudo. Their opportunity to destroy it is limited because their military presence in the sector has been exposed, and Separatist reinforcements will arrive in two days.
Anakin receives a datapad containing the basic attack plan, and when he questions the high casualty projections, Yularen explains that the foundry is operated by the local Kudon population and suspects that the droids were produced hastily before the facility could be fully automated. While Yularen wants to completely destroy the facility to minimize clone casualties, Anakin disagrees, not wanting to kill the living beings working inside. The two debate their positions, with Yularen arguing that Anakin's approach is emotional, not tactical, and that while deaths are inevitable, their priority is to protect their own people. Anakin leaves, reflecting on the briefing and wishing he didn't understand Yularen's plan, but acknowledging his desire to protect his soldiers. He then wonders if leadership in war necessitates impossible choices, wishing he could simply be flying.
Later, in the mess hall, Anakin's former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, joins him and brings up the discussion with Yularen, saying he's heard about it. While Yularen may have flaws, ego isn't one of them, and he wanted to discuss Anakin's concerns with Kenobi to see if he shared them. Obi-Wan tells Anakin that he isn't wrong, but there's a risk to their own soldiers. Anakin counters that there must be a better approach, as the Jedi's purpose in the war is to save lives. Kenobi wishes he had an answer, noting that the Jedi are all learning and war is rarely simple. Some on the Republic's side see the clones as expendable, but Yularen at least respects his men. Before Anakin leaves with R2-D2 in his Jedi Interceptor, Obi-Wan advises him to trust his feelings and the Force.
As they approach Kudo III, Anakin has R2-D2 disable the foundry's sensors, but he grows suspicious when he sees no signs of the local Kudon population or Separatist defenses. R2-D2 remains with the ship for a quick escape, and Anakin enters to investigate, soon discovering the local Kudon population enslaved by Separatist droids. Seeing them forced into labor in the foundry, Anakin is reminded of his childhood as a slave to Watto on Tatooine. Jumping down to the foundry floor, Anakin ignites his lightsaber and easily cuts through the waves of battle droids, fueled by anger at the act of slavery. After dealing with the droid guards, Anakin frees the Kudon slave workers, who tell him that their village was gassed and they awoke in the foundry as prisoners. When more droids attack, Anakin tells the Kudon to take the blasters from the fallen droids, asking if they know how to use them. They reply that just because they don't fight in his war doesn't mean they can't fight. Anakin clarifies that he's not asking them to fight in a war, but for themselves. The united Kudon then charge forward and attack their captors, the battle droids.
After the conflict, Anakin speaks with Admiral Yularen and Obi-Wan, who explains that it was a Separatist trap all along. They leaked rumors of a new droid foundry for the Republic to find and attack the innocent victims inside, intending to blame the Republic for their deaths and recruit neutral worlds to their cause. However, Anakin's decisions and actions prevented this tragedy. While Yularen was initially skeptical of Anakin's approach, it proved to be the right one. Anakin hopes the Kudons won't side with the Separatists now, and asks if they'll join the Republic. Obi-Wan replies that that's a discussion for politicians, but at least they're still alive to make that choice because of him.
According to Matt Martin from the Lucasfilm Story Group, Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1 is set sometime between Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and the Clone Wars episode "Cat and Mouse," which places it in the year 22 BBY. Star Wars: Timelines later verified this placement.
- UPC 759606091928; February 6 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00111; Cover A; Paolo Rivera 00121; Cover B; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00131; Cover C; Sang Jun Lee 00141; Cover D; Guru-eFX, Mike McKone 00151; Cover E; Rod Reis