Star Wars #20 marks the twentieth installment in the Star Wars comic book series, published by Marvel. This particular issue, featuring the creative talents of writer Jason Aaron and artist Mike Mayhew, was made available on June 15, 2016.
- Another glimpse into the personal journal of Obi-Wan Kenobi awaits!
- Jabba has engaged the services of bounty hunter Black Krrsantan to uncover the identity of the individual disrupting his operations!
- The reclusive hermit residing in the dune wastes may possess crucial information. [1]
The journal's narrative commences a year following the Great Drought, depicting Pagetti Rook and a Klatooinian guard escorting the Wookiee bounty hunter, Black Krrsantan, to the Dune Sea, the location where Obi-Wan Kenobi previously thwarted Jabba's water tax scheme. Rook informs Krrsantan about the mysterious takedown of five of Jabba's most seasoned warriors, none of whom could identify their assailant. Krrsantan responds with a roar and advances toward the moisture farm ahead.
At the Lars Homestead, Owen Lars has just returned from Tosche Station, carrying components for a T-16 skyhopper. He searches for his nephew, Luke Skywalker, hoping they can repair their damaged speeder together and improve their strained relationship. Suddenly, as Owen calls out to his wife Beru, Krrsantan abducts him.
Simultaneously, unaware of Owen's plight, Luke has left home with the intention of reaching Mos Eisley and escaping Tatooine. However, he doesn't get far before sensing something amiss. He rushes back to the homestead, discovering it in disarray and his aunt Beru wounded on the floor with a rifle nearby. Luke questions her about the events and Owen's whereabouts. She explains that Owen was taken and instructs Luke to hide in the maintenance bay until she calls him.
Star Wars: Timelines along with Star Wars Helmet Collection 66 places Star Wars (2015) #20 in 10 BBY. Nevertheless, Obi-Wan Kenobi establishes that Kenobi has not used the Force for an extended duration, and it also portrays Owen Lars as visibly younger than his depiction in Star Wars #20. Given that Obi-Wan Kenobi is set in 9 BBY, Star Wars #20 cannot logically occur in 10 BBY.