Pagetti Rook

Pagetti Rook, a Weequay male, was employed by the notorious crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. His role involved serving as a skiff guard stationed on the planet of Tatooine. During the events of 4 ABY, Jabba decreed the execution of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca—three members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic whom he had captured—at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Rook was assigned to the Bantha-II cargo skiff, tasked with transporting the prisoners to the pit, where they were intended to become sustenance for a sarlacc residing within.


Pagetti Rook, a Weequay, was in the service of the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, functioning as a skiff guard throughout the Galactic Civil War that raged between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire. During his tenure as a skiff guard under Jabba, Rook participated in escorting the gangster's previous substitute majordomo to his fate within the sarlacc, a creature utilized by the Hutt as a method of execution.

Rook rode on board a skiff to the Great Pit of Carkoon.

Around 8 or 7 BBY, Rook, along with a Klatooinian guard, received orders from his superior to shadow the Wookiee bounty hunter Krrsantan into the Dune Sea. Their mission: to apprehend the individual responsible for disrupting his water tax during the Great Drought. They proceeded to the Lars moisture farm and took Owen Lars as a hostage. Nonetheless, this endeavor proved unsuccessful as the exiled Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the person who had halted Jabba's water tax, intervened to confront the Wookiee. Both he and Lars managed to defeat him, leading Krrsantan to flee Tatooine to escape Jabba's anger.

In 3 ABY, his master acquired the smuggler Han Solo encased in carbonite, and displayed Solo at his palace located on the desert planet Tatooine, where Rook was stationed. In 4 ABY, certain of Solo's comrades within the Alliance initiated a plan to free the smuggler from Jabba's grasp. This began with Lando Calrissian, formerly a smuggler himself, securing employment alongside Rook as a skiff guard at the palace. Subsequently, the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker presented the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO to Jabba, and they were both assigned roles within the palace. With these allies strategically positioned, Leia Organa adopted the guise of the bounty hunter Boushh and delivered Chewbacca to Jabba as a captive. However, shortly after her arrival, she was discovered thawing Solo out of his carbonite and was subsequently captured. Skywalker was the last to arrive at the palace, and after he killed Jabba's pet rancor, the Hutt decreed that Solo, Chewbacca, and Skywalker were to be put to death.

Pagetti Rook wields his vibro-ax

Rook was among the five guards chosen to accompany the prisoners on a Bantha-II cargo skiff piloted by the Kadas'sa'Nikto Vedain. Others assigned to the skiff included Calrissian, another Weequay named Rintel Aren, the human Velken Tezeri, and the slave Kithaba. The skiff transported Skywalker and his companions to the Great Pit of Carkoon, where they were destined to be consumed by the sarlacc residing within, facing digestion over a millennium. Jabba and his entourage journeyed aboard the sail barge Khetanna to witness the spectacle, while a second skiff carrying Rook and other guards followed alongside. Upon reaching the pit, Skywalker employed a Jedi mind trick to persuade one of the guards to remove his handcuffs, before Rook forced him out onto a gangplank over the sarlacc's pit. Jabba offered the prisoners a chance to plead for mercy, but all three declined, and Skywalker cautioned the Hutt that this was his final opportunity to release them. Jabba disregarded the warning and instructed Rook to shove Skywalker into the pit.

Rook advanced and prodded at the Jedi with his BD-1 Cutter vibro-ax, compelling Skywalker to step off the edge of the plank. However, the Jedi executed a spin, grasped the plank, and leaped back up and over Rook. Upon landing, Skywalker secured his lightsaber, which had been launched to him by R2-D2 aboard the sail barge, and engaged Rook and his fellow guards. At some juncture during the ensuing conflict, Rook met his demise.

Personality and traits

Pagetti Rook was a male Weequay with black hair and skin of a brown hue.

Rook possessed the ability to communicate in Galactic Basic Standard. He also demonstrated comprehension of Huttese, as evidenced during his service as Jabba Desilijic Tiure's guard.


Rook was armed with a BD-1 Cutter vibro-ax while aboard the skiff and wore beige trousers paired with a blue shirt and brown armor. His attire also incorporated boots and a belt.

Behind the scenes

Pagetti Rook stands among the several Weequay characters conceived for the 1983 cinematic release, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. During production of Return of the Jedi, the crew referred to all of them as "Queequay," a nod to the fictional Polynesian harpooner Queequeg from Herman Melville's 1851 novel, Moby-Dick. The Weequay species themselves were subsequently named after Queequeg. Rook, portrayed by stunt performer Peter Diamond and known as "Queequeg 2" during production, was identified by the moniker "Queequeg" in Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive, a reference publication released in 1999. The character received formal identification in the Rogues Gallery section of Star Wars Insider 143, where Lucasfilm Story Group's Leland Chee recognized him by the complete name of Pagetti Rook. By swapping the initial letters, Rintel Aren and Pagetti Rook share their first names with Pintel and Ragetti, a pirate duo from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The surnames are derived from the surnames of their respective actors, Lee Arenberg and Mackenzie Crook.

The creation of all non-human skiff guard costumes, including Rook's, was a collaborative effort between the costume and creature design departments involved in the film's production. Clay sculptures of the alien heads served as templates for crafting plaster molds, into which latex was poured to produce the final masks. Velcro and harnesses, concealed beneath clothing, were employed to ensure the masks remained securely in place on the performers' heads during filming. Rook's attire comprised a quilted suede tabard layered over a simple turquoise shirt. The trousers were fashioned from a cotton waffle weave fabric, extensively utilized in numerous costumes throughout the film, and subsequently dyed, aged, and distressed with mud. Leather straps and a belt, positioned over the tabard, were fastened at the front of the costume with a medallion buckle. An initial costume sketch for the character, created by Nilo Rodis-Jamero, also featured a helmet and equipped the Weequay with both a blaster and a vibro-ax.

