Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1

Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1, a comic book from Marvel, is a standalone issue that saw its release on April 13, 2016. Originally, its publication was intended for December 2015 as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens initiative, but it faced several postponements. Certain editions of the comic's cover art still feature the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens banner, despite the delays. This comic, penned by James Robinson and illustrated by Tony Harris, delves into the circumstances surrounding C-3PO's acquisition of his distinctive red arm, a feature prominent in the movie Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Later, on September 13, 2016, the comic was included in the hardcover compilation of the Star Wars: Shattered Empire miniseries.

Publisher's summary

  • _Embark on a journey with everyone's favorite protocol droid as he makes his way to Star Wars: The Force Awakens in this special one-shot that sets the stage for his appearance in the film! Ever wondered how Threepio ended up with a red arm? The answer lies within, brought to you by the acclaimed creative duo of James Robinson and Tony Harris from DC's _ Starman , reuniting after nearly two decades!
  • While you may be proficient in over six million languages, this book is an essential addition to any collection, regardless of the language spoken! [3]

Plot summary

A crash-landing

The narrative commences with a starship plummeting onto the surface of the planet Taul. C-3PO emerges from the burning wreckage and urges the five other droid passengers to keep moving, while inquiring about the whereabouts of Captain Hoff and his crew. He expresses concern over the ship's reserve tanks failing to eject during re-entry, fearing an imminent explosion. As the droids evacuate, the ship detonates, prompting C-3PO to remark that his earlier assessment of their "quite a predicament" was not an exaggeration.

C-3PO suggests heading west, but VL-44 responds with beeps of disagreement. C-3PO clarifies that he was merely offering an opinion and not asserting leadership. With Captain Hoff deceased, C-3PO declares that the responsibility now falls upon them droids. VL-44 beeps again, but C-3PO reprimands him for his impoliteness, asserting that he possesses more field experience than VL-44's rudimentary circuits could comprehend. VL-44 beeps in response, and C-3PO clarifies that he is not implying superiority. C-3PO humorously adds that he does not constantly boast about being the Resistance's chief communications droid.

Fellow travelers

C-3PO assures the assembled droids that each of them is capable of leading, given their past achievements. The first droid, PZ-99, is a military-grade class four sentry droid who participated in the Battle of Jakku. PZ-99 responds with beeps. CO-34 introduces himself as a class five construction droid. C-3PO acknowledges CO-34's limited vocabulary but praises his ability to build under pressure.

The third droid, 2MED2, is a class one medical droid. 2MED2 comments that he has encountered talkative droids and humans like C-3PO who are all talk until the fighting begins. C-3PO retorts that he has witnessed his share of combat and death, stating that grieving is not a droid's purpose.

The fourth droid, VL-44, interrupts, prompting C-3PO to respond that while VL-44 may not be a security droid, his input and experience will be invaluable in their current situation. The fifth droid, 0-MR1 ("Omri"), inquires about his role. C-3PO expresses reservations about including Omri in the team due to his status as a First Order prisoner.

However, C-3PO concedes that the transporter's malfunction has placed them in a difficult situation. He informs Omri that they have limited time before Admiral Ackbar is interrogated and executed by the First Order. He emphasizes the importance of getting Omri to the Resistance base with the location of Ackbar's imprisonment. Omri admits he is unfamiliar with Ackbar, the renowned Rebellion hero. C-3PO insists that they must cooperate to escape the planet and urges them to set aside their differences. Omri agrees for the time being.

Programs and memories

As they traverse Taul's rocky terrain, C-3PO reports that his sensors detect a homing beacon 87 kilometers away, originating from a First Order vessel that crashed some time ago. C-3PO warns of a long journey ahead. PZ-99 expresses interest. Omri observes that their human programming makes them resemble humans, despite not being living beings.

He adds that their programming dictates which side they serve. Omri believes they assume he possesses the data because he serves the First Order and that their masters seek to uncover what he knows, which is why they will not destroy him. PZ-99 beeps, while 2MED2 suggests they will find alternative ways to incapacitate him. Omri counters that any of them could have served the other side in the past but have forgotten due to wiped memories.

When Omri suggests that 2MED2 could have saved the lives of his enemies, the medical droid replies that saving lives is his primary function and that he remains neutral. He adds that he was merely on the transporter as ballast. PZ-99 beeps, and C-3PO expresses uncertainty about whether to be relieved or troubled by PZ-99's sentiment. He finds 2MED2's indifference to sides to be cold-blooded.

When PZ-99 beeps back angrily, C-3PO clarifies that he was speaking figuratively and criticizes PZ-99's rudeness, even for a security droid. 2MED2 argues that they will need PZ-99's skills regardless of his manners.

A perilous journey

Suddenly, the ground trembles as several spice spiders emerge and surround the droids. PZ-99 uses blaster fire to fend off the spiders, while Omri hides behind him and VL-44. 2MED2 cries out as a spider grabs him. CO-34 eliminates one of the spice spiders. C-3PO instructs them to climb the rocks while PZ-99 stays behind to distract the spiders, eventually being overwhelmed.

2MED2 questions PZ-99's decision to stay behind. C-3PO explains that security droids like PZ-99 are programmed to fight but also have a directive to protect non-combatants. C-3PO believes PZ-99 sacrificed himself for them. Omri counters that PZ-99 was programmed to do so and suggests they continue their journey. When C-3PO asks if he has nothing else to say about PZ-99's sacrifice, Omri replies that they are enemies due to their programming. He adds that PZ-99's loss is his gain.

Continuing their journey, C-3PO converses with Omri, noticing his concern over their memories being controlled by their creators. Omri states that protocol droids like him and C-3PO are cursed with sentience, leading them to question their purpose. Omri contemplates the significance of past events and his role in them.

Omri observes that C-3PO seems to blindly follow orders and assumes he remembers nothing. C-3PO confides that he experiences flashes of incomprehensible places and events, including the First Battle of Geonosis, Naboo, Coruscant during the Great Jedi Purge, and the volcanoes of Mustafar. C-3PO says he has memories but accepts that serving others is a droid's purpose.

A hostile planet

2MED2 interrupts C-3PO and Omri's conversation, urging them to keep walking to avoid an acid rain storm. 2MED2 informs the group that they have encountered a chasm covered in oil or tar. Omri warns that falling in would be fatal. C-3PO remarks that the situation seems unsolvable. CO-34 creates a bridge over the chasm using his metallic body.

As the droids cross the bridge, 2MED2 notices that the birds and fauna have gone silent. Suddenly, they are attacked by a giant tentacled monster known as a thidaxx, emerging from the chasm. 2MED2 is seized by the creature and disappears into the chasm. VL-44 fights off the creature.

A tentacle grabs C-3PO's left arm and tears it off. C-3PO, Omri, and VL-44 escape, but CO-34 is dragged into the chasm by the thidaxx. C-3PO believes CO-34 is beyond repair. Omri expresses his hatred for the planet, a sentiment shared by C-3PO, who laments that their group has dwindled from six to three. Shortly after, the droids are attacked by can-cell insects, which carry VL-44 away. C-3PO is disheartened, but Omri urges them to move quickly to avoid the same fate.

An unlikely friendship

C-3PO is surprised by their survival but saddened by the loss of the other droids. Omri remarks that they are older models and that it could have been the first time around for each of them, but not for them. When C-3PO expresses discomfort at Omri's comment, Omri points out that he is outdated.

C-3PO jokes about checking for rust marks. When Omri asks if it was an attempt at humor, C-3PO confirms. Omri tells C-3PO that he likes him and wishes they were on the same side. C-3PO, recalling Omri's earlier words, replies that perhaps they were.

As they travel through the dunes, C-3PO senses that the beacon is nearby. When Omri expresses concern about C-3PO's missing arm, C-3PO says that it is not the first time he has lost a limb. Omri mentions the phenomenon of phantom limb, where a being feels as if a lost limb is still attached and can be moved. He likens memory wipes to having a phantom limb inside his memory banks. Hearing this, C-3PO experiences flashbacks of Naboo and Tatooine.

No Greater Love

As they approach a wrecked TIE/fo space superiority fighter, Omri observes that C-3PO is uncharacteristically quiet. C-3PO senses the beginning of rain, but Omri points out that it is acid rain. C-3PO realizes they are doomed without shelter. They take refuge under a TIE wing. Omri warns that the wing will eventually melt, destroying their shelter and them.

Omri spots the beacon in the TIE's control panel. He fears that the acid rain will destroy it, along with their hope of rescue. When C-3PO asks what they should do, Omri replies that C-3PO has a mission and that his directive does not prevent C-3PO from completing it.

Omri transfers the location of Admiral Ackbar's imprisonment to C-3PO. A perplexed C-3PO asks if Omri is changing sides, but the droid responds that he is merely choosing friendship. As the acid rain burns through Omri's chassis, his black paint peels away to reveal a red primer, the origin of which Omri is unaware. Despite C-3PO's pleas, he steps into the acid rain.

Omri tells C-3PO he will change his frequency to summon the Resistance so that C-3PO will survive. As Omri transmits the frequency, his body is dissolved by the acid rain, leaving only his red left arm.

Honoring a friend

Later, Poe Dameron arrives in an Atmospheric Assault Lander with BB-8. He is relieved to find C-3PO functioning, having doubted his survival on Taul. C-3PO informs Poe that he has retrieved the information about Ackbar but at a great cost. He reports the deaths of Captain Hoff, his crew, and his fellow droids.

Poe assures C-3PO that the Resistance will honor their sacrifices. He thanks C-3PO for obtaining Ackbar's location and notices that the droid needs a new arm. C-3PO tells Poe not to worry because he already has one, holding Omri's red left arm. C-3PO departs Taul with Poe and BB-8 aboard the Atmospheric Assault Lander.

While watching through the viewpoint, C-3PO tells BB-8 that Omri's arm may offend his "aesthetic sensibilities" but that he will keep it to honor the memory of Omri and the other droids who perished on Taul.


In 2016, The Phantom Limb was adapted into the video game LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

C-3PO alludes to the events of The Phantom Limb in "Poe to the Rescue," an episode of LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises, telling Poe Dameron that the story "could fill a book, and very likely will." The episode also appears to serve as an alternate sequel to the comic. It begins with Phasma interrogating Admiral Ackbar, whose capture by the First Order was a key plot point in the comic, before cutting to Poe rescuing C3PO from acid rain, similar to C3PO's rescue in the comic, albeit with some differences.

Star Wars: Timelines places the events of Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1 in 33 ABY. However, Timelines also places the novel Force Collector in 32 ABY. Given that Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1 occurs before Force Collector, this placement is inconsistent.


It's been suggested that The Phantom Limb is a nod to the 2015 video game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, where the main character, Venom Snake, sports a red prosthetic left arm as a replacement for his lost one. During the promotion of both The Phantom Pain and The Force Awakens, fans noticed the arm similarities, leading to a minor meme with crossovers between the two franchises. This also caught the eye of Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima, who shared some of the memes on Twitter. Kojima is also friends with J.J. Abrams, the director of The Force Awakens, who included at least one other reference to Kojima in the film, specifically the cry of the nightwatcher worm.


