2MED2 (alternatively written as Toomedtoo) functioned as a medical droid and provided its services to the Resistance during the period of the Cold War.
During either 31 ABY or 32 ABY, Admiral Ackbar of the Resistance was taken prisoner by the forces of the First Order. Fearing Ackbar's potential execution, the Resistance assembled a squad of combatants, led by Captain Hoff, tasked with discovering Ackbar's imprisonment location. The team, at some juncture, captured a First Order droid identified as O-MR1, whom they suspected possessed knowledge of Ackbar's whereabouts. While en route back to the Resistance's headquarters, the team's spacecraft suffered a crash landing on Taul; the crash's sole survivors included 2MED2, O-MR1, the protocol droid C-3PO, the construction droid CO-34, in addition to the two security droids PZ-99 and VL-44.
This group of droids then chose to cooperate in an attempt to return to their respective factions. Shortly thereafter, the droids detected a signal originating from a First Order starship. While proceeding toward the vessel, the droids were ambushed by spice spiders. PZ-99 heroically gave his life to create an opportunity for the others to flee, by attracting the spiders' attention to himself. Shortly after this event, the remaining droids were set upon by Thidaxx and can-cell. 2MED2 was destroyed during this confrontation, along with CO-34 and VL-44.