Mercy Mission (short story)

title: Mercy Mission

"Mercy Mission" is a short story considered canon, penned by Melissa Scott. It saw publication on October 6, 2015, integrated within the The Rise of the Empire paperback collection. Positioned narratively between Lords of the Sith and Tarkin, the story's central figure is Twi'lek pilot Hera Syndulla. It acts as a narrative precursor to her formal introductions in both the novel A New Dawn and the animated series Star Wars Rebels.

Publisher's summary

Before she became the leader of the Ghost crew, Hera Syndulla was a young pilot eager to make a positive impact on the galaxy. Teaming up with Goll, a trusted associate of her father, Cham Syndulla, Hera embarks on a perilous journey to aid the inhabitants of her home planet, Ryloth, who are suffering under the Empire's oppressive rule.

Plot summary

Following the defeat of the Free Ryloth Movement, Hera Syndulla and the Karthakk Group journey aboard the YT-209 freighter known as the Eclipse with the goal of smuggling gattis-root extract to Ryloth. Accompanying Hera on this endeavor are Goll, a former leader of the Free Ryloth movement, Krysiant Rheden, the human captain of the ship, "Clinician" Trae Baratha, Ul'ligan, a Nikto serving as a gunner, and [Eira Tay](/article/eira_tay], a Sephi gunner. Due to the mission's sensitive nature, Hera is compelled to leave Chopper, her C1-series astromech droid, behind on the Ghost. The Empire has restricted the distribution of gattis-root extract to identify Free Ryloth insurgents who are in hiding. Given the mission's inherent risks, the Karthakk Group members take charge of operating the ship's weaponry. As they enter the Ryloth system, their ship, disguised as the freighter Tirion, undergoes a scan by an Imperial cruiser and is subsequently granted clearance to proceed. Despite a difficult relationship with her father, Cham Syndulla, Hera volunteered to participate in the mission.

To deceive Imperial space flight control, Hera and the rebels decide to sabotage the Imperial auto-control system once they reach the designated altitude. Their plan is to make the Imperials believe that their ship has crashed, allowing them to secretly deliver their cargo to the city of Lessu. Upon reaching Marker 210, Hera and Krysiant Rheden deactivate the auto-control system. Their actions cause a power surge in the Imperial space flight control system. Moff Delian Mors, the Commander of the Imperial Forces stationed on Ryloth, is informed about the disappearance of the Tirion and sends out a squadron of V-wing starfighters led by Lieutenant Niol to investigate.

The Eclipse is intercepted by three Imperial V-wings, but the rebels engage in a brief aerial battle and successfully shoot down the enemy fighters. However, the Eclipse sustains damage to its engines, long-range sensors, and main transmitter. Captain Rheden also suffers injuries. After careful consideration, the rebels decide to press on with their supply mission and find a suitable location to repair the ship. Nearing Lessu, Hera lands the Eclipse in a deserted commercial landing zone located outside the range of the Imperial monitoring stations. They proceed to deliver their supplies and carry out the necessary repairs.

Upon learning that the unidentified freighter has landed on the city's outskirts, Moff Mors orders Imperial starfighters to intercept the ship. Nevertheless, the Eclipse manages to deliver its cargo and successfully escapes into hyperspace. In response, Moff Mors initiates a complete lockdown of the city and places a reward for the capture of the freighter, its cargo, and those who receive it. Having accomplished their objective, Hera sets the Eclipse on a course for Manda. Hera and the mixed Twi'lek and Nikto crew contemplate the unity between their respective peoples who have both been subjected to oppression. Goll also commends Hera for her exceptional leadership abilities.


According to the Del Rey press release that announced the story, "Mercy Mission" acts as a bridge connecting Lords of the Sith and Tarkin. Both novels are set in 14 BBY, five years following the establishment of the Empire. However, within the story itself, Moff Delian Mors recalls the Emperor's visit from the previous year, an event depicted in Lords of the Sith. This detail suggests that, contrary to the press release, the short story actually takes place in 13 BBY.

