Following the Imperial takeover of the Outer Rim planet of Ryloth, and the brief disbanding of the Free Ryloth Movement, a group of Twi'lek elders, having united to safeguard the culture of Ryloth, contracted bybbec fever. This illness is seldom fatal for most species, but it could lead to death in Twi'leks without proper medical attention. The Imperial administration offered the cure, gattis-root extract, but stipulated that those needing it must register at the distribution clinic, thereby exposing any assumed identities used by the people. Furthermore, the Empire would compel numerous settlements concealed within Ryloth's jungles to reveal their locations to gain access to the extract.
As a reaction, Goll, an ex-member of the Free Ryloth movement, initiated a humanitarian expedition to supply gattis-root extract to the Twi'lek elders. He obtained the extract from the Karthakk Group, and was accompanied by Hera Syndulla, the offspring of Cham Syndulla, who was the leader of the Free Ryloth movement, along with Trae Baratha, a member of the Karthakk Group, and the team of the freighter Eclipse.