Iram Radique

Iram Radique was a weapons designer who operated out of the Cog Hive Seven prison in the years prior to the Clone Wars. In 33 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious sent his apprentice, Darth Maul, to infiltrate the prison, acquire a nuclear device from Radique, and deliver the weapon into the hands of the Bando Gora cult. Sidious planned to use the weapon to eliminate his own Master, Darth Plagueis.

Radique was a tall Near-Human male with blue skin, black hair, and glowing red eyes.

Bando Gora grudge

Iram Radique was regarded as a powerful weapons merchant even in 49 BBY. His dealings caused the criminal cult Bando Gora to target and attempt to hijack his weapons shipment after killing him in an ambush. Following this event, he swore a lifelong oath to never do business with the cult.

Life debt to Artagan Truax

It was thanks to the intervention of Artagan Truax, a then-member of Bando Gora, that Radique survived the cult's ambush. He vowed he would repay his debt to the man.

However, it was only years later that he next contacted Artagan. Offering him protection and a job in his arms manufacturing business based inside the confines of Cog Hive Seven. The price of working in his workshop is that the worker must be blinded. Artagan was unwilling to pay, so he was left to languish in prison along with his son.

Business rivalry

Crime lord Jabba the Hutt's profits from the illicit arms industry were severely impacted by the continued operation of Radique's businesses. Prompting the Hutt to have his henchmen infiltrate the ranks of Cog Hive Seven's guards to ferret out Radique's existence. Eventually, following the deaths of many of his spies, Jabba decided to instead resort to simply destroying the prison.


In a fight between himself and Darth Maul, Radique appeared to gain the upper hand through the use of a surprise attack before ultimately being killed by Eogan Truax, the son of the man who had once saved his life all those years ago.

Manufacturing process

Weapons parts were smuggled into the prison on the supply ships that brought both cargo and fresh inmates on a regular basis.

Each of the weapon parts was given to inmates belonging to the prison's two gangs, Bone Kings and Gravity Massive, who were all subordinate to Radique. These parts were small enough to conceal in their uniforms and then hide in their cells. clawbirds under Radique's control later entered the cells and collected the weapon components for him; the method was unknown to the inmates themselves.

Once all the weapon components were gathered in Radique's workshop, they were assembled by other inmates working under him. These inmates had all been blinded as a requirement for the job.

Only two people are confirmed to be allowed to enter the workshop without being blinded. Those were Zero and Coyle. They appeared to be part of his inner circle, or "backbone cabal," as Zero termed it. Membership in this circle appeared to be partly based on the acceptance of the clawbirds.

Weapons manufactured

According to Officer Augustine Smight, the weapons manufactured in Radique's workshop were not technically up to factory specs in that there were subtle improvements in their precision and firing capability.

The weapons manufactured in the workshop range from typical weaponry to the more exotic. From Smight's analysis, the weapons assembled at the time he reached the workshop include a proton missile launcher, a pulse cannon, Mandalorian assault rifles, flechette launchers, and LS-150 heavy accelerated charged particle repeater guns. As well as several packages of explosives, breaching grenades, anti-starfighter cluster bombs, and thermal detonators.

Yet, the most destructive device created was the nuclear device later used by Bando Gora in their attack on Hego Damask's home on Sojourn.

Personality and traits

Radique was a being of the utmost caution. Not only basing his operations within a prison for insulation from and protection against threats, but also through his use of decoys and middlemen to prevent any would-be assassins from reaching him.

He was also willing to immediately dispose of a valuable subordinate the moment he discovered something wrong with them, such as when Cog Hive Seven inmate Zero's true identity as Dakarai Blirr was revealed in his fight with Darth Maul.

Behind the scenes

Iram Radique first appeared in author Joe Schreiber's 2014 novel, Maul: Lockdown. Although the story does not explicitly identify Radique's species, his physical description corresponds to a Chiss.






