Ishanna inversion

The Ishanna inversion was an event that hampered the delicate construction of the Nautilian while going combat refit in the Telaris rebel stardocks during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. In 34 ABY, after The Rebel Files were recovered, Resistance Admiral Gial Ackbar left an annotation on a report in the files commenting on whether his Home One ever beat the Nautilian out of stardock. Fellow Admiral Ushos O. Statura left a reply, stating that its construction was hampered by the Ishanna inversion.

The Ishanna inversion was first mentioned in Star Wars: The Rebel Files, a canon boxed set and reference book authored by Daniel Wallace and released in 2017.

Behind the scenes

The Ishanna inversion was first mentioned in Star Wars: The Rebel Files, a canon boxed set and reference book authored by Daniel Wallace and released in 2017.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files
