Jedi bomber


The Jedi bomber was a starfighter which resembled the Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor due to its design and the fact that an astromech droid was mounted in the middle of the bomber. However, the Jedi Bomber was able to accommodate two pilots in the vessel. It was armed with warhead launchers on the tips of the wings.


Jedi bombers were in use during the early part of the Clone Wars. One was employed by a pair of Jedi as a transport to investigate the Sedawan when it was attacked by Nightsisters, and three bombers were flown into the Separatist superweapon Devastation when three Jedi teams of two (Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto, and Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu) were sent to destroy it.

Behind the scenes

The Jedi bomber appears in the the 2008 Nintendo DS video game Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance. Players can unlock concept art of the bomber.



