Kadir's father

Moff Kadir's father, a Human male, served as the Commander of the Coruscant Security Force before the Battle of Yavin. By 0 BBY, he was executed for voicing his opinions too much by requesting more soldiers to secure the Imperial capital planet Coruscant. He was replaced as the commander of Coruscant Security by his son Kadir.

Kadir's father was first mentioned in Empire 1, written by Scott Allie as the first issue in the Star Wars: Empire series of comics and published by Dark Horse Comics on September 4, 2002. Although originally only identified as Moff Kadir's predecessor in Empire 1, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia further stated that he was Moff Kadir's father.

Behind the scenes

Kadir's father was first mentioned in Empire 1, written by Scott Allie as the first issue in the Star Wars: Empire series of comics and published by Dark Horse Comics on September 4, 2002. Although originally only identified as Moff Kadir's predecessor in Empire 1, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia further stated that he was Moff Kadir's father.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II



