Kadir (Moff)

Kadir was a Moff within the Galactic Empire, a Human male, and an Imperial who held the position of commander for the Coruscant Security Force. He became involved as a co-conspirator in Grand Moff Trachta's plot, which aimed to overthrow the Order of the Sith Lords and seize control of the Galactic Empire.


In the year 1 BBY, Darth Vader and Grand Moff Trachta were in the company of Kadir at Imperial Center. Kadir, along with Trachta, observed Vader's assessment of the stormtroopers' blaster accuracy. Vader, impressed by their proficiency with the E-11 blaster rifles, gave the order for an entire stormtrooper battalion to accompany Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin to the Death Star. Kadir, however, refused to comply with the Dark Lord's directive, citing that the stormtroopers were designated for the Coruscant Security Force. Vader then reminded him that Kadir's father, who previously held Kadir's position in the CSF, was executed for requesting more soldiers than he was authorized. Vader advised Kadir to refrain from expressing his opinions unless he wished to meet the same fate as his predecessor. Although angered by Vader's arrogance, Kadir reluctantly transferred the stormtroopers to Tarkin's vessel.

This event marked the genesis of Kadir's opposition to the Sith, as he despised the fact that Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader held the highest positions of power in the Empire. He discussed this matter with Trachta, expressing his distrust of the Sith's secretive nature. Sensing Kadir's animosity toward the Sith, Trachta soon enlisted Kadir into his conspiracy, aiming to eliminate both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. During a meeting of the conspirators, General Skosef introduced Kadir, but Gauer, a Near-Human assassin and one of Trachta's associates, accused Skosef of revealing the conspiracy to an outsider. Trachta silenced Gauer, clarifying that Kadir was the newest member of the conspiracy.

Kadir and the stormtroopers in the Emperor's throne room.

For over a decade, Trachta had been secretly orchestrating an elaborate scheme to eradicate the Sith and seize control of the Empire. The plan involved cloned stormtroopers who were "programmed" and trained to be loyal to Trachta and his allies, rather than the Emperor. However, the rivalry between Trachta and Bartam, a fellow Grand Moff and key member of the conspiracy, threatened the plan's stability. Trachta personally tasked Kadir with observing the corpulent Grand Moff's allegiance to the conspirators. With both Trachta and Bartam determined to assassinate each other, Kadir remained in the shadows during their discord. Consequently, Trachta was assassinated by Gauer, while Skosef executed Bartam, only to be killed by a stormtrooper guard. With Trachta, Bartam, and Skosef dead, the remaining members of the conspiracy were Kadir, Gauer, and Second Officer Dezsetes aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mathayus. Kadir assumed leadership of the remaining conspirators, determined to execute the final phase of the plan by eliminating the Emperor and seizing control of the Imperial government.

Supported by Trachta's clone stormtroopers, Kadir and Gauer advanced towards the Imperial Palace. Upon entering the building, two officers blocked the corridor, as stormtroopers were prohibited from entering the Emperor's throne room. However, a clone stormtrooper and Gauer eliminated them. Kadir and the stormtroopers entered the Emperor's throne room, preparing to assassinate Palpatine. However, they were ambushed by the Royal Guardsmen, resulting in the slaughter of numerous stormtroopers. Meanwhile, Gauer deserted his ally and fled the Palace. The Emperor's powerful Force lightning annihilated the remaining stormtroopers. Kadir, however, was knocked unconscious by one of the Royal Guards earlier during the assassination attempt, which protected him from the lightning. Upon regaining consciousness and seeing the dead stormtroopers, the Moff seized his last opportunity to eliminate the Emperor. In desperation, he attempted to kill Palpatine with a blaster pistol, but the blaster bolt missed the Sith Master. The Emperor used Force lightning to hurl Kadir across the room, while also commending him for eliminating the Empire's enemies.

Palpatine punishes Kadir for his treachery.

As Palpatine prepared to kill the treacherous Moff, Kadir attempted to save his own life by falsely claiming that the conspirators had eliminated Vader. He offered himself as Palpatine's Sith apprentice, but the Emperor rejected the offer, knowing that Kadir lacked Force-sensitivity. The Emperor activated a holocam on the throne, displaying Vader confronting Dezsetes and the clone stormtroopers aboard the Mathayus. Kadir watched as Vader killed the stormtroopers and interrogated Dezsetes, who confessed that Trachta had orchestrated the conspiracy. Vader then killed Dezsetes. In the Emperor's throne room, Palpatine swiftly electrocuted the unfortunate Moff with a lethal surge of Force lightning. The deaths of Kadir and Dezsetes marked the end of the anti-Sith conspiracy.

Behind the scenes

It is sometimes assumed that Kadir was the Moff of Imperial sector, which included the planet Coruscant and several other star systems. However, there is no evidence to support that he was anything more than the head of the Coruscant Security Force, which would, by implication, be structured as a sector in its own right, just as Imperial Sector is part of Imperial Center Oversector.

