Lo-Taren was a Trandoshan male and a member of a Trandoshan-exclusive hunting guild specializing in the hunting of other sentient beings. During the year 20 BBY, Lo-Taren, along with guild leader Garnac and three other comrades, was searching for potential hunting prey on the planet Felucia when he came across Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Lo-Taren captured the Togruta and brought her back to Garnac's Trandoshan prisoner ship.
Tano was taken to the moon of Wasskah, where she was dropped off on an island along with several other prisoners. Under orders from Garnac, Lo-Taren opened fire with the freighter as soon as the prisoners were free, killing two of them. The next day, Lo-Taren continued the hunt on foot but was nearly killed by the Jedi youngling Kalifa when she used the Force to strangle him out of anger while he was distracted. However, Tano persuaded Kalifa to allow the hunter to live.
Lo-Taren and the other guild members later investigated the guild's freighter after the Jedi caused it to crash, before returning to the guild's floating headquarters. When Tano later attacked the floating fortress alongside two other younglings and the Wookiee captive Chewbacca, Lo-Taren and the other Trandoshans attempted to defend the fortress. The hunters were nearly successful, but a rescue mission led by the Wookiee general Tarfful turned the tide. Lo-Taren was killed by a Wookiee soldier during the ensuing firefight which ultimately saw the defeat of Garnac and the hunting guild itself.
Lo-Taren was a Trandoshan male who, during the year 20 BBY, was a member of a Trandoshan-exclusive hunting guild led by the game hunter Garnac. The guild, which operated on the Mid Rim moon of Wasskah, hunted other sentient beings that would be captured by the guild from across the galaxy. During 20 BBY, Lo-Taren was present on one such kidnapping expedition. Detaining prey on a Trandoshan prisoner ship piloted by Trandoshans Krix and Lagon, Lo-Taren's hunt eventually brought him to the planet Felucia. By this point, the freighter already held the Snivvian Katt Mol, the Terrelian Jango Jumper Lika, the Sakiyan Vadoo, and the Selkath Morgo.
At the time of Lo-Taren's arrival, Felucia was hosting a battle between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a part of the ongoing Clone Wars. While out in the Felucian jungle, Lo-Taren trailed a squad of Republic clone troopers led by Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Although Tano was aware of Lo-Taren's general presence due to her connection with the Force, she was unable to focus in on her tail. Lo-Taren followed the Republic unit to a Separatist fortress, where the clones began ascending an outer wall.
Tano, however, decided to cover them from the ground, as she still sensed Lo-Taren. Distracted by her hunch, the Trandoshan hunter ambushed Tano with an electrified net gun that rendered the Padawan unconscious with a well-aimed stun net. Lo-Taren dragged an unconscious Tano back to the Trandoshan starship and threw and locked her in a cage before destroying her comlink as she regained consciousness.
Lo-Taren returned to the ship's bridge to inform Garnac, his son Dar, and the ship's crew that new Jedi prey had been acquired. In turn, Garnac hope that Lo-Taren's capture would become Dar's first Jedi kill; Lo-Taren agreed with the sentiment.
Upon returning to Wasskah, Garnac ordered for the ship's complement of prisoners to be released on the beach of Island Four. When the captives stalled on the beach after their release, Lo-Taren manned a forward facing laser turret and opened fire, killing Vadoo and Morgo. The survivors quickly escaped into the island's jungle.
The following dawn, Garnac officially endorsed the beginning of the next hunt. Lo-Taren and the other Trandoshans jumped aboard MSP80 Pteropter hover pods and went to the moon's surface. Despite riding down with hunters Ratter and Sochek, Lo-Taren separated from them to hunt by himself on foot. Lo-Taren encountered Ahsoka Tano out in the open who, ironically, was hunting for him. Lo-Taren attempted to shoot Tano, but she disarmed him with the use of the Force. They engaged in hand-to-hand combat in which Lo-Taren successfully wore Tano down. The Trandoshan grabbed his dropped rifle, but before he could kill Tano, he was lifted into the air by Kalifa—a previously captured Jedi youngling—and telekinetically strangled. However, Tano spared Lo-Taren's life in order to stop Kalifa from simply killing out of hatred.
Lo-Taren called for backup, which prompted Kalifa's other Jedi youngling companions, O-Mer and Jinx, to attack him and use the Force to throw Lo-Taren into a tree and knock him out. Before running off, Tano grabbed the Trandoshan's blaster rifle. However, the rifle was remotely deactivated so that the Jedi could not make use of it. That night, Lo-Taren was present on Garnac's Ubrikkian floating fortress headquarters for Dar's initiation ceremony, and partook in chanting Dar's name. However, Lo-Taren's inability to kill the Jedi inadvertently led to Dar's death during a scuffle with Tano the next day. Garnac killed Kalifa shortly after and swore revenge on the remaining Jedi.
The following day, Lo-Taren, Garnac, and the other guild members learned that their prisoner ship had been downed on Island Four's beachhead. As it happened, Tano and the other surviving younglings had managed to crash the ship after a failed attempt to hijack it. After investigating the wreck, Lo-Taren reported to Garnac that the pilots Clutch and Goron were dead and that their only prisoner, the Wookiee Chewbacca, had escaped.
Lo-Taren expressed his belief that with the ship grounded, the Jedi had become bolder. Garnac likewise concluded that the Jedi had become organized. The Trandoshan Smug later returned to the crash site to hunt the Jedi, but was captured by the Jedi instead. The next day, Smug, under the influence of a mind trick, contacted Lo-Taren and requested a pickup. Krix was sent in response.
Shortly after, the Jedi and Chewbacca launched a surprise attack on the floating fortress using the hover pod they had stolen from Krix when he tried to rendezvous with Smug. After the attackers threw Lagon to his death, Lo-Taren and the other Trandoshans swarmed to the scene at the beckoning of the hunter Ramy. Lo-Taren, alongside fellow hunter Sochek, attempted to take the upper hand by flanking the Jedi. However, O-Mer used the stolen hover pod's blaster cannon to force the two Trandoshans behind cover.
O-Mer was quickly shot down by Garnac, and the crash halted the Jedi offensive. Garnac congratulated Tano's force on their effort, but before they could be eliminated, the fortress was besieged by the starship Halo, piloted by bounty hunters Sugi and Seripas.
The bounty hunters brought Wookiee reinforcements led by General Tarfful, who had earlier received a signal from a makeshift transmitter that Chewbacca built out of the Trandoshan freighter's wreckage.
Lo-Taren and Sochek fired on the Wookiees with their weapons, but were forced to take cover behind an overturned hover pod. Lo-Taren accidentally strayed too far from cover whilst trying to fight off the Wookiees and paid for it when a Wookiee soldier hit him in the face with a well-placed shot from his Kashyyyk long-gun, killing him instantly. Lo-Taren's demise distracted Sochek long enough for O-Mer to use the Force to move the overturned hover pod away from the last hunter. Sochek quickly realized his vulnerability, but was shot before he could do anything.
The conflict concluded after all of the Trandoshans were eliminated. Garnac, who survived a long fall, later worked with the Dowutin Grini Millegi.
A Trandoshan with orange-colored scales and yellow eyes, Lo-Taren was eager for the hunt on Wasskah. Upon capturing Ahsoka Tano, he expressed excitement at the capture of a Jedi youngling and during Dar's initiation, Lo-Taren, along with the other Trandoshans, cheered for Dar as he prepared for the hunt. Having faith in in the abilities of the lodge's rookie, the experienced Lo-Taren believed that the young Trandoshan would outperform his prey.
However, the hunter cared little for the captives he and the others detained and showed no qualms about gunning the prisoners down on Island Four's beachhead, where they were afforded little cover. Proficient in hunting and combat, Lo-Taren able to ambush a Jedi even while they could sense his presence.
The game hunter was also able to go up against Ahsoka Tano, a skilled Jedi Padawan, and best her in hand-to-hand combat. Despite being able to capture Tano with a net launcher and gun down two captives with a ship turret, Lo-Taren proved to be inaccurate with hand-held blasters, as he failed to score a hit on Tano when he hunted her in the jungle, and similarly failed to kill any of the Wookiee soldiers that attacked the floating fortress.
While hunting Tano on Felucia, Lo-Taren carried an electrified net gun that could render targets unconscious with disintegrating stun nets. While hunting for prey on Wasskah, Lo-Taren briefly carried a sniper rifle before he switched to a blaster rifle that could be remotely deactivated if it fell into the hands of prey. After losing the weapon, Lo-Taren switched to carrying two blaster pistols. He dual-wielded the pistols during the fortress battle against the Wookiees, but he proved to be less than accurate with the weapons, and failed to repel any of the attackers.
Lo-Taren proved to be adept with the chin-mounted laser cannon on Garnac's Reugeot freighter when, on Garnac's orders, he used the cannon shortly after releasing Tano's group of prisoners on Island Four. Lo-Taren instantly killed Morgo with the weapon, who had not yet tried to escape, and was able to gun down Vadoo while the Sakiyan tried to make a run for it. However, the other three prisoners managed to evade his follow up attacks.
Lo-Taren wore darkly-colored clothes during the length of the Ahsoka Tano hunt, including a gray vest with green highlights and gray shorts. Underneath the vest he wore a black t-shirt. Lo-Taren also wore knee pads and had an electronically powered gauntlet with a built in comlink useful for Garnac and the Trandoshans' hunting kidnapping trick.
Lo-Taren was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and played a supporting role in "Padawan Lost" and "Wookiee Hunt," the twenty-first and twenty-second episodes of the show's third season, respectively. Both episodes, in which Lo-Taren's voice was provided by Richard Green, aired on April 1, 2011 as Season Three's finale.
Lo-Taren, as well as all of the Trandoshans that appeared in the episodes, were designed by concept artist Pat Presley. Lo-Taren's name was penned by Star Wars creator George Lucas during a writing session. Despite conceptual art depicting Lo-Taren with orange-colored eyes, his eyes in the episodes are yellow.
Before the Disney canon reboot, the events of "Wookiee Hunt," and as such the date of Lo-Taren's demise, was marked to the year 21 BBY, according to the Star Wars Legends source The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 13. With the reboot in effect, Lo-Taren's death was pushed to 20 BBY.
Among the scenes cut from "Padawan Lost," Lo-Taren was present in several of them. Chronologically, the scenes detail: Lo-Taren returning to his comrades after losing his skirmish with Ahsoka Tano, where they believe that Tano has rallied the other Padawans into fighting, after which they decide to let the Jedi rest for a "more satisfying hunt;" Lo-Taren and the hunter Ratter track Katt Mol and Vadoo, eventually calling for backup; Lo-Taren attempts to ambush Tano again, only to be defeated by her use of the Force; While using active camouflage—a concept for the episodes that was scrapped entirely—Lo-Taren and Ratter chase and brawl Jinx and O-Mer through the jungle only to be avoided and thrown off a cliff, after which they are saved by Sochek in his hover pod.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Three
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 56
- Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles