
MacDougal, also known as "Black Jack" MacDougal, was a Binayre pirate who lived in the Corellian system during the Galactic Civil War. In 1 ABY, Galactic Empire forces commanded by Imperial officer Ceth Laike initiated a series of strikes against the Binayre Pirates in retaliation for the assassination of a TIE pilot on the planet Talus. After several skirmishes on Talus and Corellia, Imperial pilots attacked a group of Binayre pirates in Corellian space. The pirate group counted five starfighters, including an M12-L Kimogila heavy fighter piloted by the squadron leader "Black Jack" MacDougal. In the ensuring battle, all pirate vessels were destroyed and MacDougal was killed.

Behind the scenes

Possible depictions of "Black Jack" MacDougal

Possible depictions of "Black Jack" MacDougal

MacDougal appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. "Black Jack" MacDougal was added to the game with the release of the Publish 14.1, on March 24, 2005.



