Market Street Outdoor Exchange

In 3964 BBY, a Snivvian self-proclaimed industrialist going by the name "Baron Hieromarn" made the Market Street Outdoor Exchange the site for a sales pitch to prospective investors. Promising a three-for-one return on investment, Hieromarn attempted to convince locals to fund the purchase and crewing of a tanker, which would bring fleek eels from the planet Falleen's Hocekureem Sea to Taris for the local restaurant trade. During the Mandalorian siege of Taris the following year, the entire Market Street area was heavily looted. A short while after the departure of the looters, Market Street was seized by the Mandalorian invaders.

The Market Street Outdoor Exchange, although never actually making a direct appearance, was first mentioned in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, an in-universe news report appearing on the last page of the comic Knights of the Old Republic 0, which was released in 2006.

Behind the scenes

The Market Street Outdoor Exchange, although never actually making a direct appearance, was first mentioned in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, an in-universe news report appearing on the last page of the comic Knights of the Old Republic 0, which was released in 2006.



