Maxim was a male human who served as a sergeant in the ground forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. While the Alliance was headquartered at Echo Base on the gelid planet of Hoth, Maxim was tasked with finding tauntaun to train as mounts.
At one point, he developed a special interest in a female tauntaun distinguished by her unusually long tail. One day, he found her alive but wounded at the bottom of an ice cliff, and immediately requested a with a 2-1B-series medical droid. Two weeks later, when the creature was finally healed up and ready for training, Maxim christened her Reebak. The two bonded, and the sergeant taught his new mount how to run fast without letting her tail get in the way.
When the Galactic Empire's Blizzard Force assaulted Echo Base, Maxim took part in the ensuing Battle of Hoth on Reebak's back. Using her long tail as a whip, the sergeant's mount managed to neutralize a group of snowtroopers manning an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon. Although the Alliance effectively lost the battle, many of its troops survived thanks to a quick evacuation plan designed by the Generals Carlist Rieekan and Leia Organa. Maxim was among those who fled Hoth in a GR-75 medium transport, and he insisted that his superiors allowed Reebak to join the troops on the same transport.
A fair-skinned human with blue eyes and pale blond hair, Sergeant Maxim had a fondness for tauntauns, and a knack for working with them. Although conditions on Hoth were harsh, Maxim treated his situation with humor, smiling as he described his daily life as "glamorous."