Melvin Fett, cousin of the infamous Boba Fett, travels to the "dessert" planet of Tatooine seeking the bounty on Jar Jar Binks, hoping to finally gain respect from other bounty hunters. As he walks under the boiling twin suns in the Tatooine dunes, he hears Jar Jar, but because he is unable to see because of the sweat stinging his eyes, he doesn't notice that it is just a Jawa drinking out of a Jar Jar Binks Commemorative Drinking Cup with flexible straw and "talking action". As he pulls out his blaster, he trips on a rock and the blaster flies out of his hands and knocks out the Jawa. Grabbing the cup, he praises himself for the capture, believing he will finally get the respect he deserves.
- Star Wars Tales Volume 5
- Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Empire Vol. 4
- Star Wars Legends: The Empire Omnibus Vol. 3