Mission to Hidden Chain Ship


After stopping the Hidden Chain on Kessan's Landing, Sa'har Kateen reached out to the Alliance Commander and explained that Heta had successfully recreated the machine from Darth Nul's Temple on Elom and that Heta Kol believes the machine grants her an army of loyal Force-sensitives. Sa'har reveals her plan to infiltrate a Hidden Chain command ship and retrieve the holocron, rendering the machine useless.

Infiltrating the ship

The duo came face-to-face with Ri'kan Kateen who, in his rage, activated the machine to destroy both Sa'har and the Commander but it only ended in crippling the ship to the point of self-destruction. Ri'kan was defeated but the explosion from the now destroyed machine left him dangling on the edge with Sa'har coming to the rescue. The Commander initially retrived the holocron before attempting to help the Twi'lek siblings but the path was blocked by falling debris forcing the Commander to evacuate the ship.


With the ship destroyed and the holocron safe, the Commander makes contact with Arn Peralun and updates them on the captured holocron and the freed slaves that were rescued from the Hidden Chain.

Behind the scenes

The player has the option to just take the holocron and leave Sa'har and Ri'kan to fend for themselves for dark side points. Imperial players are later contacted by Darth Krovos regarding both the slaves and Nul's holocron. Krovos requests that the slaves be sent to Korriban to further bolster the number of Sith in the Empire and also that Nul's holocron be sent to the Empire for protection.



