Moisture Farmers of Tatooine

In 4 ABY, during Crell's work representing the Moisture Farmers of Tatooine, he was in Jabba's Palace on Tatooine when several Alliance to Restore the Republic operatives arrived with the intent of freeing Jabba's prisoner Han Solo. The events that followed led to the Alliance operatives killing Jabba and destroying the Hutt's luxury sail barge Khetanna over the Great Pit of Carkoon while Crell was aboard.


Ardon Crell (far left) was the Moisture Farmers of Tatooine's representative in Jabba the Hutt's palace.

Ardon Crell (far left) was the Moisture Farmers of Tatooine's representative in Jabba the Hutt's palace.

A group of moisture farmers formed the Moisture Farmers of Tatooine organization on the eponymous desert planet by the Galactic Civil War. Local 253 was one of the Moisture Farmers of Tatooine's sectors, and the Human Ardon Crell had joined the organization by 4 ABY, representing local 253 and having been elected by his peers to serve as a liaison between local 253 and the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. The moisture farmers agreed to pay Jabba in exchange for the crime lord arranging their protection from Tatooine's indigenous Tusken Raider species.

In 4 ABY, Crell was in Jabba's palace with the responsibility of collecting and delivering the moisture farmers' protection money when several Alliance to Restore the Republic operatives arrived intending to rescue their ally, Han Solo, who was held prisoner in the palace. The rescue attempt led to Jabba sentencing Solo, along with his companions Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca, to death over the Great Pit of Carkoon. However, the captives fought back, killing Jabba and destroying the Hutt's luxury sail barge Khetanna with Crell aboard.

Behind the scenes

The Moisture Farmers of Tatooine organization first appeared in the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, with one of their active members, Ardon Crell, onscreen in the film's Jabba's Palace and Khetanna scenes. The organization's name was first established by Ardon Crell's card in the 1998 Jabba's Palace Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.










