Mon Calamari capital ship (Clone Wars)

This Mon Calamari vessel was used during the Clone Wars by Mon Calamari allied with the Galactic Republic.


The vessel appeared to be of a similar length to a Lucrehulk-class battleship and was fitted with weapons-blisters like the later MC80 Star Cruisers. There was a large hangar opening located on the vessel's starboard side.


This vessel was attacked by two Trade Federation battleships commanded by General Grievous while carrying a group of Padawans and their Jedi protector, the Abyssin Jedi Master Quarmall. The ship was boarded and all of its Calamari crew were killed. Quarmall was shot by B1-Series battle droids and left for dead but he managed to survive due to his Abyssin physiology. The Padawans were captured and imprisoned by the general.



