
Quarmall, an Abyssin Jedi Master of the male persuasion, dedicated his service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, he held the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. A figure of controversy, the Jedi High Council reprimanded him for his decision to take the entire Bergruutfa Clan as his Padawans. Although initially presumed dead after an encounter with General Grievous during the conflict, Quarmall lived on, succumbing to the dark side and undergoing training as an adept under the tutelage of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.


Separatist Crisis

Quarmall, a male Abyssin who was Force-sensitive, underwent training in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order. Eventually, he earned the title of Jedi Master after creating a lightsaber with a green blade. Throughout his career, Master Quarmall undertook various missions assigned by the Jedi High Council, collaborating with Jedi Stass Allie and Tassida Judrelle during the Separatist Crisis that plagued the Galactic Senate. Together, the trio successfully dismantled a salt smuggling ring on Arcona, leading to the arrest of fifteen smugglers, including the cartel's leader, Lojrak Shrag.

The Clone Wars

Quarmall is shot to "death" by B1-series battle droids.

As the Clone Wars broke out between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Master Quarmall was promoted to the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. Assuming responsibility for the Bergruufta clan of Jedi Initiates, Master Quarmall faced criticism from the High Council after declaring that he had accepted the ten Initiates as his Padawans, directly violating the principles of the Jedi Code.

While accompanying his Padawans on board a Mon Calamari capital ship, the vessel was invaded by General Grievous and his force of B1-series battle droids. Quarmall engaged the droid forces, but he was overwhelmed and sustained multiple blaster wounds. Grievous, believing the Jedi Master to be dead, seized the Abyssin's lightsaber and took the clan of Padawans captive. However, due to the resilience of Quarmall's Abyssin physiology, the Jedi managed to survive his injuries and cling to life.

The New Order

Master Quarmall remained out of sight for the remainder of the war, only to be captured by agents serving the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, who corrupted him to the dark side of the Force. Following the dissolution of the Jedi Order by Sidious's alter ego, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Quarmall became a hidden operative for his Imperial Majesty.

After the Battle of Endor, Quarmall resurfaced, disseminating a false message of interplanetary harmony and unity with the intention of weakening the New Republic Military. However, his scheme was soon uncovered by agents of the New Republic and fledgling Jedi from the reformed Order, who exposed his plot to his followers by revealing Imperial-coded communications and holovids detailing his dark agenda. Shortly thereafter, they confronted and defeated the Dark Side Adept in a fierce battle.

