Mon Calamari capital ship (Clone Wars)

This ship, a Mon Calamari design, saw service with the Galactic Republic-aligned Mon Calamari forces during the era of the Clone Wars.


Its size seemed comparable to that of a Lucrehulk-class battleship, and it featured weapon emplacements similar to those found on the later MC80 Star Cruisers. A sizable hangar bay was situated on the right (starboard) side of the craft.


While transporting a group of Padawans along with their Jedi guardian, the Abyssin Jedi Master named Quarmall, this vessel came under attack. The attackers were two battleships from the Trade Federation, under the command of General Grievous. The ship was overtaken, resulting in the deaths of the entire Calamari crew. Quarmall was shot by B1-Series battle droids and presumed dead, but his Abyssin biology allowed him to live. The general captured and imprisoned the Padawans.

