Bergruutfa Clan

The Bergruutfa Clan represented one of the various clans where aspiring young Initiates found their initial placement as they embarked on learning the principles of the Jedi Order. Clan members were specifically chosen for their inherent capacity to show loyalty and for their unwavering honesty, even when confronted by darkness. After being selected for the clan, these students would journey together through the academy located within the Jedi Temple until they graduated from their initial training.


Taking its name from the massive bergruutfas of Teloc Ol-sen, this particular clan took up residence at the Jedi Temple after the Ruusan Reformation within the Galactic Republic. In the period leading up to the Clone Wars, the guidance of the Bergruutfa clan was under the supervision of Quarmall, an Abyssin Jedi Master. The clan's composition was predominantly Human, but it also featured a Whiphid, a Zabrak, a Kel Dor, a Duros, a Togruta, and a Nautolan. In 20 BBY, the group was in transit on a Mon Calamari starship when General Grievous and a Separatist fleet launched an assault. The vessel suffered significant damage from enemy fire, leading to Grievous and his forces boarding the ship. While Master Quarmall valiantly tried to protect the Initiates, he was left behind, presumed dead, as the cyborg abducted the younglings.

The Initiates fight their way out.

After landing on Belsus, a planet under CIS control, via a C-9979 landing craft, the clan was escorted to a holding cell, awaiting Grievous' instructions. The cyborg's intention was to hand the group over to his master, Darth Sidious, for conversion into dark side warriors. However, an Ugnaught miner liberated the group from their confinement, and they sought refuge in the Ugnaught shelters near the planet's geothermal power plants. Grievous quickly discovered their location and gave orders for their capture and execution. His plans were once again thwarted by a trio of Jedi who had come to assassinate him. While Master B'dard Tone and Knight Flynn Kybo engaged the Kaleesh cyborg in combat, Padawan Codi Ty gathered the Padawans and made for their escape shuttle. Ty, returning to the Temple with news of Tone and Kybo's deaths, delivered the clan to the Jedi High Council. Allara, one of the clan's most promising students, pleaded with the Council to forgive Ty's act of disobedience, but her pleas were ignored, and Ty was banished from the Order.

