
Allara was a Human female Jedi Initiate who was a student within the Jedi Order during the period of the Clone Wars.


Clone Wars

Allara, a Human female with sensitivity to the Force, was a member of the Jedi Order. She possessed a strong connection to the Force and firmly adhered to the tenets of the Jedi Code. After years of training at the Order's academy as part of the Bergruutfa Clan, Allara and her fellow initiates were still quite young when the Clone Wars began to rage across the galaxy. In an unusual action, Jedi Master Quarmall took the clan in 20 BBY and declared each member to be his Padawan. While traveling aboard a Mon Calamari starship with her clan and their new master, their vessel came under attack by General Grievous and a Separatist fleet. With severely damaged engines, the crew could only defend their ship. Despite their best efforts, the Mon Calamari crew were overwhelmed by boarding parties of B1-Series battle droids, with Grievous following closely behind.

Quarmall eliminated many of the droids that attacked him, but he was eventually surrounded and faced Grievous. The general considered dueling Quarmall, but stated he had grown weary of eliminating Jedi and instead commanded the droids to kill him. The droids then turned their weapons on him and blasted the Jedi, seemingly killing him. Unknown to everyone, Quarmall survived, but would not reappear for many years. Grievous was escorted further into the ship by his droids, stepping over the fallen bodies of Mon Calamari along the way. He discovered a sealed room containing Allara and her fellow Padawans, including Banz and Tak-tak. Grievous activated his lightsaber and captured the Padawans.

Captivity on Belsus

Allara faces down Grievous.

Shortly thereafter, Grievous and the Trade Federation seized control of the planet Gentes and its moon, Belsus. Following a swift and unequal battle, the native Ugnaughts were captured and forced to repurpose their factories for use by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Padawans arrived on Belsus aboard a C-9979 landing craft, closely guarded by B1 droids. While the other Padawans were concerned about their fate, Allara remained composed, and Banz urged the others to suppress their fear and face the future with courage. The younglings were then taken to meet Grievous again, on a balcony overlooking the city. Grievous informed them that they would become his warriors, attempting to convince them that this destiny was not so different from that of a Jedi. Allara, however, recognized that this meant they would become servants of the Sith, and declared to the cyborg that they would never do so.

Grievous teaches Allara a lesson.

She used telekinesis to pull one of Grievous' lightsabers to herself, activating it and destroying the two battle droids beside her. Grievous, amused by her defiance, simply seized her arm and disarmed her. He then carried her to the edge of the balcony and dangled her over the drop, intending to teach her a lesson. Pointing into the distance, he directed her attention to a domed assembly hall, which he informed her contained the entire surviving Ugnaught population of the city. With a command to a ship orbiting the moon, Grievous ordered the crew to fire upon the assembly hall, massacring everyone inside. He then asked Allara if she now understood the meaning of his power.


The Padawans were then confined to a holding cell four stories beneath the city, where they remained for some time. Allara, however, was determined to escape and enlisted the help of her fellow Padawans. She encouraged them to use the Force to try and open the door with their combined abilities. She criticized Banz for his pessimism and Tak-tak for his foolishness, but before they could continue their efforts, one of the stones in the floor shifted, revealing a data probe. Allara stated that she sensed no danger from the device, so she poked at it and spoke to it. The data probe reacted by retracting into the floor, which then began to shake and crumble. Tak-tak believed Allara's senses had been incorrect, but then an Ugnaught miner emerged from the hole in the floor and gestured for the Padawans to follow him below. They joined him and another Ugnaught in a long, narrow tunnel, escaping from their cell.

Allara, Banz, and the others are rescued by Ugnaughts.

Above them, Grievous revealed to Commander Vulpus his plans for the Padawans. He intended to transform them into versions of himself—complete with limb amputation and organ removal—fusing their Force abilities with cybernetic armor similar to his own. He then took Vulpus to the Padawans' former holding cell and discovered they were missing, promptly dispatching a group of B1 battle droids into the tunnel after them. Allara quickly detected their presence, however, and turned to confront them. Enraged and humiliated, Grievous ordered the Padawans to be killed immediately. Facing the oncoming blaster fire, Allara used the Force to collapse the tunnel on the battle droids, destroying them and covering their escape.

Likely anticipating an attack, the Ugnaughts had recently created caverns beneath their city, equipped with food, shelter, and water, and it was here that they brought the rescued Padawans. These hidden homes were dangerously close to flowing magma and the geothermal power plant that powered the facility above, and numerous walkways had been constructed to provide safe passage. A Zabrak Padawan within the group pointed out that the Ugnaughts believed them to be fully trained Jedi, capable of helping them. Allara told the others that the Force does not recognize size, and with a smile, she observed that the Ugnaughts were even smaller than them, making them appear as heroes.

Allara duels Grievous.

Just as they thought they were safe, however, Grievous blasted through the rock wall above, furious with the Padawans for betraying the "gift" he had planned for them. He then descended upon them, lightsabers ignited, with battle droids following him into the hidden city. Banz asked Allara what they should do, and she simply replied that they would fight, defending the Ugnaughts who had saved their lives. Allara once again used the Force to hurl rocks in the droids' path, allowing the heroic Ugnaughts to escape. Grievous then confronted the Padawans on the walkway, intending to kill them, until an Ugnaught drove a bulldozer-like machine into the battle, distracting Grievous. The Padawans fled again, running down a path through the rocks and finding themselves at the core of the geothermal plant. When Banz asked Allara where they should go, she replied that they should hide and devise a plan, but they realized that they had run out of room and the bridge ahead of them was now blocked by battle droids. Turning back, they found an eager Grievous behind them, blocking their path once again.

Allara taunted Grievous, stating that he was demeaning himself by attempting to kill them. Grievous asked if she was begging for her life, and she responded that she was asking for a chance. Grievous, impressed and amused, tossed her one of his lightsabers, which she caught and ignited. The two began to duel, with Grievous commenting on her courage and lack of skill, and Allara was quickly disarmed by the superior duelist. He knocked her to the ground and prepared to end her life.

Allara and the Padawans fight their way out.

Unbeknownst to Allara and the Padawans, three other Jedi had embarked on a mission to assassinate Grievous. Jedi Master B'dard Tone, his Padawan Codi Ty, and lone Padawan Flynn Kybo had been searching for the general to eliminate the threat he posed to the galaxy. Kybo and Tone had witnessed Grievous' deadly abilities firsthand, with Kybo losing his Master and Tone losing his right arm and the left side of his face. The Jedi Council had forbidden this course of action, and informed the Jedi that they would be expelled from the Order if they pursued it, but the three of them were determined to proceed. With the assistance of the miners of the Banvhar Combine, who had also suffered from Grievous' actions in the past, the Jedi were able to track Grievous to Belsus and make their move. As they approached the moon, they detected transmissions concerning Padawans, and initially believed their mission had been compromised. However, upon realizing that the Separatists were referring to a different group of Jedi—Allara and the others—they adjusted their objectives to include both eliminating Grievous and rescuing the Padawans. Due to Allara's strong connection to the Force, Master Tone was able to easily locate her, even though they could not sense the others.

Upon finding the Padawans, Kybo jumped in front of Grievous' lightsaber, deflecting the strike with his own blade. Tone and Ty joined Kybo, with Tone instructing Ty to take the Padawans to safety. Kybo and Tone began to duel Grievous, attempting to complete their mission to assassinate him. Taking up the lightsaber Grievous had given her once more, Allara told Ty that she would do more than just follow him, and joined Ty in fighting the battle droids in their way. They reached a ladder and hatch, escaping from the underground, but as they ascended, Ty sensed his master's death and became distraught. Allara urged him to honor Tone's final command and continue, pointing out that otherwise his sacrifice would be meaningless. Once in the facility's hangar, they found the Banvhar miners defending their ship, overwhelmed and preparing to leave. The Padawans joined the miners aboard their ship, and they quickly fled as the facility detonated around them, Kybo's duel with Grievous ending in the ignition of the building's fuel supply. Ty told the others that Grievous must have perished as well.


Ty returns the Padawans to the Jedi Order.

Ty returned the rescued Padawans to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, bringing Allara before the Jedi High Council. Ty recounted the events on Belsus to the Council, and made it clear that although he believed Grievous to be dead and had rescued the Padawans, he desired nothing for himself. Allara pleaded for leniency for Ty, but he was prepared to accept his exile without regrets. Grand Master Yoda told Ty that he indeed had much to regret, and banished the young Togruta from the Order permanently.

