Codi Ty

Codi Ty was a male Togruta Padawan. He served the Jedi Order as an apprentice to Jedi Master B'dard Tone during the declining years of the Galactic Republic.


Early life

Codi Ty, a Force-sensitive male Togruta, belonged to the Jedi Order. He studied the ways of the Force as a Padawan.

Clone Wars

In 21 BBY, the Clone Wars began after the conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems escalated. Ty's Jedi colleague B'dard Tone embarked on a mission with his Padawan, Zephata'ru'tor, to reclaim Nadiem. During this mission, the two Jedi encountered General Grievous, the Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army. While Tone survived, Grievous severed his right arm and severely scarred the left side of his face. Zephata'ru'tor was less fortunate; he attempted to prevent Grievous from escaping the planet, but the cyborg general activated his starfighter's hyperdrive in his path, obliterating him. Following the battle, Tone received a metal plate covering much of the left side of his head and face, along with a cybernetic arm to replace his lost one. Later, Ty became Tone's new padawan, learning to think in alignment with his new master.

Hunting Grievous

Ty's Jedi Master, Tone, meets Flynn Kybo.

In 20 BBY, Flynn Kybo, a Padawan, suffered the loss of his Master, T'chooka D'oon, at the hands of General Grievous. Consequently, he presented a plan to the High Council to hunt down and kill Grievous once and for all. Despite this contradicting the Jedi Code, he argued it aligned with the Jedi principle of sacrificing one to save many. The Council disapproved and forbade him from pursuing it. They assigned him a new Master, Z'meer Bothu, whom Kybo soon encountered. She also deemed his idea inappropriate and encouraged him to meditate with her instead. After several hours of meditation, Tone and Ty approached the weary Padawan, inquiring about his plan.

Kybo was puzzled, as he hadn't disclosed it to anyone. Tone simply stated that it had been revealed to him in confidence. He expressed his belief that Kybo's idea held promise but presented many challenges. Tone then shared his past encounters with Grievous and suggested they meet at a cantina in Husker Square to discuss it further.

The Jedi meet in exile on Bryndar.

Shortly after finalizing their plans, Kybo deserted his Master and the Order just before the Battle of Alderaan, meeting Tone and Ty on the remote planet of Bryndar. Despite rumors that the inhabitants of the sector despised the Trade Federation, the three Jedi were unsure where to begin their hunt for Grievous, given his potential presence on countless worlds across the galaxy. Soon after, a man named Stellskard from the Banvhar Combine approached Kybo as he meditated, revealing that their quest for Grievous had sparked rumors across Bryndar. Stellskard offered their assistance in the hunt, as he and his compatriots also sought revenge on the Separatist general, and brought the Jedi to Banvhar Station.

According to Stellskard, the station's miners were a "beaten people" who had endured a brief but devastating war with the Trade Federation. Grievous had permitted his battle droids to use the miners for target practice, intensifying their hatred of the callous Kaleesh. Once aboard the asteroid base, Stellskard introduced the Jedi to Rini, a technician who had intercepted a Separatist transmission. Although the group couldn't decipher the garbled conversation's precise meaning—Grievous was actually revealing to Count Dooku that he had captured a group of young Padawans—they suspected their mission had been discovered. After the transmission ended, Rini pinpointed the signal's origin to the Anoat system, but couldn't narrow it down further.

Rini then disclosed that during the miners' war with the Trade Federation, they had acquired some of the enemy's equipment, including a type of probe droids that Tone had previously encountered. Despite Tone's concern that the droids might turn against them if activated, Kybo assured him that his astromech droid, CB-3D, could ensure their memories had been wiped. The three droids were soon deployed in pods to the Anoat system to locate Grievous and potentially assassinate him.

Final battle

The Jedi and miners attack.

The droids successfully located Grievous on the moon of Belsus, where he had committed a massacre against the native Ugnaught population. The droids then attacked him, but as Kybo had predicted, they failed, with Grievous swiftly destroying all three. Ty and the other Jedi prepared to depart for Belsus, accompanied by Stellskard and Rini. Rini had obtained codes that should enable them to bypass the orbital blockade surrounding the moon, but he wasn't sure if they were still valid. Meanwhile, Tone asked the miners of the Combine to join them on their mission, and every miner agreed. With the armed miners at their side, the Jedi boarded their ship to the Anoat system. Tone issued one final warning to Kybo about the potential repercussions of their actions and their possible expulsion from the Order, but Kybo remained resolute.

Upon arrival, Rini's codes did work, but were old enough to warrant further investigation. Rini then intercepted another transmission about Padawans, leading the Jedi to believe their mission had been compromised again. Without the previous distance distorting the transmission, Rini could hear that the Padawans in question were ones who had been held by the general and had since escaped. Tone then decided that while their mission to kill Grievous was still valid, rescuing the young Jedi from his clutches was more important.

Ty and Allara lead the escape.

Because their codes had aroused suspicion among the Separatist blockade, their ship was ordered to report to customs. When they failed to comply and landed near the Padawans' captivity, B1-Series battle droids surrounded their ship. Ty, the Jedi, and the miners retaliated by attacking the droids head-on, quickly defeating them. While the other Jedi couldn't, Tone could sense the strong presence of Allara, one of the Padawans. The miners were angered by the Jedi's desire to rescue the Padawans, but Tone emphasized that the Padawans were children and Grievous would be nearby. When an explosion blocked their path, the miners retreated to their ship, while the Jedi descended, sensing the Padawans below.

In the caves beneath the facility, the Ugnaughts had built secret tunnels and homes to hide from Grievous' invasion. They had freed the Padawans, but Grievous discovered and attacked them soon after they secreted them away underground. When Allara, one of the captive younglings, asked him for a lightsaber to defend herself, Grievous was amused and tossed her one of his. Despite her valiant efforts, he disarmed her within moments. As he prepared to kill the girl, Kybo leaped in front of Grievous' lightsaber, deflecting the strike with his own blade.

Ty and Tone joined Kybo, with Tone instructing Ty to lead the Padawans to safety. Kybo and Tone engaged Grievous in a duel, attempting to complete their mission to kill him. Allara, picking up the lightsaber Grievous had given her, declared she would do more than just follow Ty and joined him in fighting the battle droids in their path. They reached a ladder and hatch, escaping from the underground, but as they ascended, Ty sensed his master's death and felt despair. Allara urged him to honor Tone's final command and continue, emphasizing that his sacrifice would be in vain otherwise. Once in the facility's hangar, they found the Banvhar miners defending their ship, overwhelmed and preparing to leave. Ty and the Padawans boarded the miners' ship, and they quickly fled as the facility detonated around them, Kybo's duel with Grievous culminating in the ignition of the building's fuel supply. Ty informed the others that Grievous must have perished as well.

Codi Ty is banished from the Order.


Ty returned the rescued Padawans to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and then presented Allara before the Jedi Council. Ty recounted the events on Belsus to the Council, emphasizing that while he believed Grievous was dead and that he had rescued the Padawans, he desired nothing for himself. Allara pleaded for leniency for Ty, but he was prepared to accept his exile without regret. Yoda told Ty he should have much to regret, and permanently banished the young Togruta from the Order.

