B'dard Tone
A male Coway who achieved the rank of Jedi Master, B'dard Tone dedicated his life to the service of both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, he held the military rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. Tone acted in defiance of a direct order from the Jedi High Council when he made an attempt to assassinate Grievous, who was the Supreme Commander leading the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Being Force-sensitive, B'dard Tone joined the ranks of the Jedi Order as a Coway, where he studied the Force and rose to the rank of Jedi Master. Around the time of the Separatist Crisis that troubled the Galactic Senate in the aftermath of the significant Invasion of Naboo, Tone chose Zephata'ru'tor, a rare Duinuogwuin Initiate, to become his Padawan.
In 22 BBY, as the war between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems escalated, Tone became a member of the strike team led by Master of the Order Mace Windu. The team's mission was to save Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala from being executed on Geonosis. Tone participated in the assault on the Petranaki arena and was among the few Jedi who survived the opening battle that marked the beginning of the Clone Wars.
Tone took on the role of General in the Grand Army of the Republic and became involved in the war effort. During the first year of the conflict, Tone participated in a mission aimed at reclaiming Nadiem from Confederate control. During this mission, he encountered General Grievous, the Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, for the first time and engaged the Kaleesh cyborg in a lightsaber duel. Although Tone survived, Grievous severed his right arm and severely scarred the left side of his face. When the Separatist general retreated from the planet at the end of the Battle of Nadiem, Zephata'ru'tor pursued him, using his species' natural ability of flight to try and stop Grievous. However, Grievous activated his starfighter's hyperdrive in Zephata'ru'tor's path, causing him to disintegrate.
Following the battle, Tone received a metal plate to cover the damaged left side of his head and face, along with a cybernetic arm to replace the one he had lost. Sometime before the Battle of Hypori, Tone came across Trade Federation probe droids and realized they were relentless hunters. Later, Tone accepted Codi Ty as his new Padawan.

In 20 BBY, Flynn Kybo's Padawan, lost his Master, T'chooka D'oon, to General Grievous. Following this loss, he proposed to the High Council the idea of tracking down and eliminating Grievous for good. Although this went against the Jedi Code, he felt it aligned with the Jedi principle of sacrificing one to save many. The Council was troubled by his suggestion and forbade him from pursuing it. They assigned him a new Master, Z'meer Bothu, who Kybo soon met. She also considered his idea inappropriate and encouraged him to meditate with her instead. After several hours of meditation, Tone and Ty approached the bored Padawan and inquired about his plan.
Kybo was confused because he hadn't told anyone about it, but Tone simply replied that it had been revealed to him in confidence. He stated that he believed Kybo's idea had merit, despite the many challenges it presented. Tone then shared his past experiences with Grievous with Kybo and suggested they meet soon at a cantina in Husker Square to discuss it further.

Soon after finalizing their plans, Kybo left his Master and the Order just before the Battle of Alderaan and met Tone and Ty on the remote planet of Bryndar. Despite rumors that the inhabitants of the sector hated the Trade Federation, the three Jedi were unsure of where to begin their search for Grievous, as he could be anywhere in the galaxy. Shortly after this, a man named Stellskard from the Banvhar Combine approached Kybo while he was meditating and revealed that their quest for Grievous had spread rumors across Bryndar. As he and his companions also sought revenge on the Separatist general, Stellskard offered their assistance in the hunt and brought the Jedi to Banvhar Station.
The miners of the station were, as Stellskard described them, a "beaten people" who had fought a short and devastating war with the Trade Federation. Grievous had allowed his battle droids to use the miners as target practice, which further fueled their hatred for the ruthless Kaleesh. Once on board the asteroid base, Stellskard introduced the Jedi to Rini, a technician who had intercepted a Separatist transmission. Although the group couldn't determine the exact meaning of the garbled conversation—which was actually Grievous informing Count Dooku that he had captured a group of young Padawans—they suspected their mission had been discovered. After the transmission ended, Rini was able to trace the signal's origin to the Anoat system, but couldn't pinpoint it more precisely.

Rini then revealed that during the miners' war with the Trade Federation, they had acquired some of their enemy's equipment, including the same type of probe droids that Tone had encountered before. Although Tone expressed concern that the droids might turn against them if activated, Kybo assured him that his astromech droid, CB-3D, could ensure their memories had been wiped. The three droids were soon sent inside pods to the Anoat system to find Grievous and potentially assassinate him.

The droids successfully located Grievous on the moon of Belsus, where he had committed a massacre against the native Ugnaught population. The droids then attacked him, but as Kybo had predicted, they failed, and Grievous quickly destroyed all three. Tone and the other Jedi prepared to leave for Belsus, accompanied by Stellskard and Rini. Rini had obtained codes that should allow them to bypass the orbital blockade surrounding the moon, but he wasn't sure if they were up-to-date. Meanwhile, Tone asked the miners of the Combine to join them on their mission, and every miner agreed. With the armed miners by their side, the Jedi boarded their ship to the Anoat system. Tone gave Kybo one final warning about the consequences of their actions and the possibility of being exiled from the Order, but Kybo remained determined.
Once they arrived, Rini's codes worked, but they were old enough to raise suspicion. Rini then intercepted another transmission about Padawans, and the Jedi again assumed their mission had been compromised. Without the previous distance distorting the transmission, Rini could hear that the Padawans in question were the ones who had been held by the general and had now escaped. Tone then decided that while their mission to kill Grievous was still valid, rescuing the young Jedi from his grasp was more important.
Because their codes had aroused suspicion among the Separatist blockade, their ship was ordered to report to customs. When they didn't comply and landed near where the Padawans were being held, B1-Series battle droids surrounded their ship. Tone, the Jedi, and the miners responded by attacking the droids head-on, quickly defeating them. Although the other Jedi couldn't, Tone could sense the strong presence of Allara, one of the Padawans. The miners were angry that the Jedi wanted to rescue the Padawans, but Tone pointed out that the Padawans were children and that Grievous would be nearby. When an explosion blocked their path, the miners retreated to their ship, while the Jedi moved downward, sensing the Padawans below.

In the caves beneath the facility, the Ugnaughts had built secret tunnels and homes, which they used to hide from Grievous' invasion. They had managed to free the Padawans, but soon after they hid them underground, Grievous found them and attacked. When Allara asked him for a lightsaber to defend herself, Grievous was amused and tossed her one of his. Although she fought bravely, he disarmed her in moments. As he prepared to kill the youngling, Tone, Ty, and Kybo arrived, saving the Padawans' lives. Tone ordered Ty to take the Padawans back to the ship, and he complied, with Ty and Allara fighting through battle droids as they fled.
Tone and Kybo faced Grievous alone on the narrow bridge as the general taunted them with his physical superiority. Grievous revealed all four of his arms, wielding a lightsaber in each hand to duel the Jedi. Although they held their own for a short time, Tone was no match for the skilled duelist, losing his right arm again. Forced to fight with his lightsaber in his left hand, he was quickly defeated, and Grievous sliced Tone in two, killing him.

As Kybo continued to fight Grievous alone, Ty sensed Tone's death through the Force. As he grieved his loss, Allara urged him and the other Padawans to keep moving. As Grievous began to overpower Kybo, the Jedi told the cyborg that even if his sacrifice was forgotten, it would be enough if Grievous died as well. He pulled Tone's still-activated lightsaber from his hand and threw it towards himself, severing the cables holding the fuel pipe they were dueling on. As the fuel hit the magma below, it ignited, creating a massive explosion that engulfed the entire facility. Everyone assumed that Grievous had died in the destruction, but the general survived.
Although the explosion covered their escape, and Codi Ty managed to return all the Padawans to the Jedi Order, the Council still exiled Ty from the Order for his actions. Allara pleaded for mercy for her fellow Padawan, but Ty refused. He left the Order without regret.