Prior to the events of the Clone Wars, the Banvhar Combine existed as a profitable mining enterprise, known for its peaceful operations. This organization was composed of numerous species; among them were Humans, Wookiees, Zabraks, and Near-Humans. During the widespread conflict that engulfed the galaxy between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Trade Federation launched an assault on the miners, swiftly defeating the significantly less militarized group. Following their defeat, General Grievous gave his battle droids permission to utilize the miners for target practice.
In 20 BBY, Jedi Master B'dard Tone alongside his Padawans, Flynn Kybo and Codi Ty, embarked on a quest to locate Grievous, driven by a determination to eliminate the threat he posed to the galaxy. Stellskard, the leader of the Combine, became aware of their mission through rumors and encountered Kybo on the planet of Bryndar. Subsequently, he transported the three Jedi to Banvhar Station, where the Jedi and the miners pooled their resources in a collaborative effort to assassinate Grievous. Locating him in the Anoat system, specifically on the moon of Belsus, they initiated their assassination attempt. However, the mission rapidly deteriorated, resulting in the deaths of Tone and Kybo in a duel with Grievous, while the miners were overwhelmed by a superior force of battle droids. Ty managed to save a group of Padawans who were in the process of escaping Grievous, and the miners escaped the moon with the Padawans on their ship.