"Our Empire's Army" appears as a marching song in Jason Fry's 2015 Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice. Though no name is given for the song, the song's two verses both end with the phrase "our Empire's Army." The song includes passing mentions of several locations that had otherwise not been mentioned to date in canon, but which previously appeared in Legends sources.
The structure of the song is extremely similar to the real-life "Marines' Hymn." Author Jason Fry stated that he modeled the song after the "Marine's Hymn," with locations pulled from the continuity of Star Wars Legends substituted for real-life locations such as Montezuma and Tripoli.
"Our Empire's Army" appears as a marching song in Jason Fry's 2015 Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice. Though no name is given for the song, the song's two verses both end with the phrase "our Empire's Army." The song includes passing mentions of several locations that had otherwise not been mentioned to date in canon, but which previously appeared in Legends sources.
The structure of the song is extremely similar to the real-life "Marines' Hymn." Author Jason Fry stated that he modeled the song after the "Marine's Hymn," with locations pulled from the continuity of Star Wars Legends substituted for real-life locations such as Montezuma and Tripoli.