Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

"Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord" is the eighth and final episode of Season 1 of Star Wars Ahsoka. The episode was written by Dave Filoni and directed by Rick Famuyiwa. It streamed on October 3, 2023.

Official description

The heroes race to prevent Grand Admiral Thrawn's escape.

The ceremony

At the Great Mothers' Fortress on Peridea, Morgan Elsbeth reports to Grand Admiral Thrawn that the cargo transfer is complete. Thrawn then tells Enoch, the captain of Thrawn's guards, to bring the Eye of Sion out of high orbit so they may begin the interlocking procedure. Captain Enoch tells Thrawn that com-scan believes they have a fix on Ahsoka Tano's Jedi shuttle's location. Thrawn orders Enoch to dispatch two TIE fighters. Thrawn says the fighters can engage if they find their mark.

Enoch bows and marches off. Elsbeth says there is little the Jedi can do to stop them then. Thrawn tells her not to underestimate the Jedi, explaining he has seen many Imperial officers make the same mistake with the Rebellion. Thrawn admits falling victim to the heroics of a single Jedi and vows not to let it happen again.

Thrawn thanks the Great Mothers for their beneficial alliance. The Mothers thank Thrawn and Elsbeth. They then ask Elsbeth to come forward and reward her with the "gift of shadows." When Elsbeth says yes, they ask her to pledge herself to the sisterhood, the magicks, and the "old ways." When Elsbeth agrees, they ask if she is willing to abandon her old life. Elsbeth pledges her life and loyalty. One of the Great Mothers lays her hands on Elsbeth's forehead, causing her eyes to glow. The three Mothers then use their powers to forge a sword called the Blade of Talzin. They gift the sword to Elsbeth, who clutches it, causing it to burn green. Thrawn watches as the klaxons ring and two TIEs exit the Chimaeras hangar.

Building a new lightsaber

Meanwhile, the Jedi shuttle hovers over the Noti caravan convoy. Aboard Tano's shuttle, Ezra Bridger assembles his new lightsaber with the help of Huyang. Bridger thinks the blade emitter is too narrow but Huyang says he is more experienced. Bridger says they don't have time for lessons since Tano needs them to go after Thrawn. Huyang opines this cannot be rushed. Bridger rummages through Huyang's workshop, annoying the droid who says he has a system. When Bridger replies he has a system, Huyang voices disagreement.

When Huyang asks who taught Bridger to build his lightsaber, Sabine Wren mentions Kanan Jarrus. Bridger explains that Jarrus was his master and taught him everything he knows about being a Jedi. Huyang replies that he taught Jarrus how to build a lightsaber. Huyang remarks that it now makes sense and explains that he taught every Jedi youngling in the Jedi Temple including his late master Jarrus. Huyang recalls that Caleb Dume was clever, curious and shy due to the troubled times. When Bridger asks how old is Huyang, the droid replies that he is old enough to know it can be both challenging and meaningful.

Huyang hands Bridger a lightsaber blade emitter, explaining it was a spare that he had kept for Jarrus. Huyang thinks that Bridger should have it since he is Jarrus' Padawan. Bridger ignites the blue bladed lightsaber, earning Huyang's praise. Before Bridger can practice with Wren, he finds that she has left the room.

When Bridger queries about Wren's relationship with Tano, Huyang explains that the older Jedi became concerned that Wren was training for the wrong reasons after the Great Purge of Mandalore, which occurred at the end of the Galactic Civil War. The Purge killed hundreds of thousands including Wren's family. At the time, Tano feared that if Wren unlocked her full potential, she would become dangerous.

The Mandalorian and Jedi

Wren exits the Jedi shuttle's docking rig and finds Tano meditating on top of the hull. When Tano asks if she is pleased, Wren replies that she is relieved. Tano says that Wren's gamble paid off and Wren realizes that she knows about her deal with Baylan Skoll. When Wren says that she managed to find Bridger, Tano says that it might not have happened if she had chosen differently. Wren apologizes for not destroying the star map but Tano understands why she did what she did.

Wren notices that Tano is not mad. Tano explains that she has made her share of difficult choices over the years. Most people, except her late master Anakin Skywalker, did not understand her reasons. Tano says that Skywalker stood by her when no one else did. Tano promises to be with Wren not matter what happens next. Tano then asks Wren if she has kept up with her training. Wren reluctantly says that she has gained better control over her lightsaber. Tano tells Wren that being a Jedi is not solely about wielding a lightsaber. She advises the Mandalorian to also train her mind and body, and to trust in the Force.

The TIE attack

Shortly later, Bridger exits the docking rig with his new lightsaber. Just then, the two Imperial TIE fighters approach the Jedi shuttle and strafe the ship's hull, causing damage to the ship's stabilizers. While Bridger and Tano jump onto the grassy plains, Wren joins Huyang inside the cockpit.

Bridger and Tano use their Force powers to hold back the ship so that the Noti underneath can evacuate. The TIE fighters return for a second round and blast a Noti caravan. Wren manages to convince Huyang to fire up the engines for a frontal attack on the TIEs. The Jedi shuttle rams into them, causing the starfighters to crash onto the grassy prairies. A Noti cheers but the Jedi shuttle does a belly landing nearby. Huyang and Wren evacuate the ship. While the Noti attend to their wounded and dead, Bridger remarks that this is going to slow them down. Tano replies only if they let it.

Back at the fortress, Enoch informs Thrawn that the TIEs attacked the Jedi shuttle before losing contact. Despite the loss of the TIEs, Thrawn considers this an acceptable outcome and marks their captain for a citation. Enoch complies before presenting Thrawn with the coordinates of the skirmish on the holoprojector. Thrawn says that the TIE attack has hampered their enemy's ability to attack them or leave Peridea. Thrawn then orders Enoch to prepare for a ground assault immediately.

Preparing for battle

While Huyang and the Noti repair the damaged Jedi shuttle, Tano along with Wren and Bridger ride on howlers to face Thrawn and his allies. Huyang wishes that the Force be with them. At the Chimaera, Elsbeth and the Great Mothers bless several Night Troopers before the impending ground assault. When Thrawn asks if the volunteers were made aware about the Nightsisters' blessing, Elsbeth confirms that this is the case and that they were all prepared to sacrifice themselves for him. Thrawn says that this is for the Galactic Empire and the security of their galaxy.

The Jedi and Sabine reach the outskirts of the Nightsister fortress just as the Chimaera begins docking with the Eye of Sion hyperspace transport ring. Bridger realizes that Thrawn plans to take his Star Destroyer with him. When Tano asks Huyang for progress on the repairs, Huyang replies that he and the Noti are doing their best but can't guarantee anything. When Tano asks Bridger what they are up against, he explains that Thrawn woke the Great Mothers and rebuilt his warship, making it unsafe for him to come alone. Tano reassures him that he is not alone.

Storming the fortress

Tano proposes trying the front door while Wren dons her helmet. A navigator droid informs Thrawn, Elsbeth, and Enoch that com-scan is tracking two targets coming from the north. Thrawn orders his forces to bombard the Jedi and Wren, saying that there is no reasoning with Skywalker's apprentice. As the trio approach the hyperspace ring, the Chimaeras turbolasers rain down laser fire on them. Despite the bombardment, the three managed to use their Force powers to open the round stony gate, breaching the fortress.

In the command center, Thrawn orders that the Night Troopers be deployed while he informs the Great Mothers. The Night Troopers descend down the stairs and converge on the intruders. Sabine and Bridger deflect their blasts with their lightsabers while Wren switches from her lightsaber to her blaster. Working together, they draw out the Night Troopers and cut them down. Meanwhile, the Great Mothers chant in an unknown tongue and use their Magick to reanimate the fallen Night Troopers. Thrawn watches the ritual.

Tano, Wren and Bridger battle the undead Night Troopers while advancing upstairs. Despite shooting the Night Troopers, they are not able to stop the undead Imperials. Bridger tells Tano that this is the first time he has encountered this Magick. A Night Trooper grabs Bridger and Wren frees Bridger by impaling the undead Imperial with her lightsaber. The trio manage to escape the undead Imperials by sealing the blast doors. Tano tells Bridger that Wren has been training.

Outside, the Eye of Sion extends clamps onto the Chimaera. Since the Jedi are advancing quickly, Thrawn tells Elsbeth that they require a little more time. Elsbeth says she understands and bows silently. Thrawn says for the Empire. After Thrawn, his soldiers, and the Great Mothers depart, Elsbeth swears she is doing it for Dathomir and exits the Star Destroyer's hangar. Meanwhile, the undead Night Troopers, who were becoming more intelligent, break through the blast doors and rush upstairs. Bridger closes a second blast door with his lightsaber.

The thick of battle

The Jedi and Wren encounter Elsbeth inside a large chamber. Tano tells Wren and Bridger to go after Thrawn while she deals with the Nightsister, who is wielding Talzin's sword. After Wren and Bridger circumnavigate Elsbeth, she and Tano engage in a duel. Tano fights with both her lightsabers while Elsbeth fights with her magical sword. Elsbeth puts up a fierce fight. Meanwhile, Bridger and Wren encounter two Death Troopers at the top of the fortress, who gain the upper hand.

Thrawn and the Great Mothers reach the bridge of the Eye of Sion where a navigator droid informs them that their course is locked in. Thrawn gives the orders to depart. While Elsbeth advances on Tano, Wren struggles with the undead Death Trooper, who, despite blasting off part of its helmet and revealing its rotting jaw, removes her helmet and forces her against a pillar with runes. The second Death Trooper, after being stabbed in the chest by Bridger to no effect, throws Him against the floor. While Bridger fights back with his fists, Wren struggles to use the Force to levitate her lightsaber. She uses her lightsaber to skewer the Death Trooper's head, incapacitating it. She then distracts the second Death Trooper long enough for Bridger to behead it with his lightsaber.

Bridger and Wren are unable to reach the Chimaeras hangar in time. Meanwhile, the undead Night Troopers join Elsbeth in her battle against Tano. While two Night Troopers aim their blasters at Bridger and Wren, Wren proposes that she push Bridger and he then pull her onto the Star Destroyer. Bridger thinks this is too far but Wren convinces him to give it a try. Bridger does a Force jump and gets Wren to push him with her latent Force powers. Bridger appears to fall but manages to grab onto a ladder and drags one of the Imperial sentries down. Wren shoots the second sentry.

Thrawn's escape

Before Wren can join Bridger, she is distracted by the sight of her master Tano under attack from the undead Night Troopers. Tano fights with Elsbeth at the peak of the fortress. Elsbeth manages to damage one of her white lightsabers while the Night Troopers converge around them. Elsbeth gains the upper hand and taunts Tano that her friends are dead and that she will die on Peridea alone. Wren disagrees and attacks the Night Troopers with her lightsaber. A reinvigorated Tano resumes the duel. After parrying, she manages to slice Elsbeth across the waist with her remaining lightsaber, killing her. The Great Mothers sense the death of their sister. Thrawn replies that she did her duty.

Meanwhile, Bridger impersonates the fallen Night Trooper LS-757 using his comlink. Tano asks Wren where Bridger is. Wren replies that he is aboard the Chimaera. Meanwhile, Thrawn orders the Star Destroyer's turbolaser batteries to bombard the fortress. The undead Night Troopers pursue Tano and Wren to the edge of a cliff but the two escape on Tano's Jedi shuttle, which Huyang is flying. They fly away as the mountain fortress crumbles.

Tano and Wren join Huyang inside the cockpit and divert power to the engines. They rise into Peridea's upper atmosphere in pursuit of the Eye of Sion and Chimaera. The navigator droid informs Thrawn that the Jedi shuttle is closing in. Thrawn opens a channel to Tano and thanks her for being a worthy opponent. While they have never met face to face, Thrawn says he knows her because he knew her late Master. He concluded that their strategies were similar and wonders what she would have become had she stayed with the Jedi. He opines that a ronin like her belongs on Peridea and says that victory belongs to him. Thrawn says "Long live the Empire" before the Eye of Sion jumps with the Chimaera into the pathway back to their galaxy. The intergalactic hyperspace jump leaves behind a massive surge of energy. Tano and Wren are visibly disappointed at their failure to stop Thrawn from escaping Peridea.

Separate paths

Later Tano and Wren return with their howler steeds, Huyang and their Jedi shuttle to the Noti convoy. The Noti are overjoyed to see their allies return and gather around Tano and Wren. Tano sees Morai in the distance. Meanwhile, Shin Hati rides towards the camp of the Bandits of Peridea and ignites her lightsaber, drawing their attention. Elsewhere, Baylan Skoll reaches two statues of the Father and the Son. He stares at the mountains beyond towards the apparent source of the power calling to him; a flashing beacon of light off the farthest mountain.

Back in the main galaxy, Thrawn along with Enoch and the Great Mothers watch from a balcony as the Eye of Sion and the Chimaera approach Dathomir. Various coffins from the catacombs of Peridea are stored inside the Star Destroyer's hangar.

Elsewhere, an Eta-class shuttle lands in the hangar of Home One. General Hera Syndulla, Chopper and several armed New Republic soldiers, officers and crew including First officer Vic Hawkins and Beyta converge on the shuttle. A lone Night Trooper emerges with his hands raised. Chopper speaks in Binary and approaches the figure, who reveals himself to be a disguised Ezra Bridger. Syndulla is surprised and pleased to see that her friend has come home.

Back on Peridea, Wren and Tano spend time alone outside the Noti camp. Wren tells her master they are almost packed. Tano reassures her that she did well. Wren is upset that Thrawn escaped but Tano points out that they managed to send Bridger home. Wren says that she hope that Bridger succeeded. Tano responds that Bridger is where he needs to be and so are they. Tano tells Wren that it is time to move on as they watch the night sky. Wren senses something hopeful but does not elaborate. Tano stares into the night sky before rejoining Wren at the camp, as the Force spirit of Anakin Skywalker watches over them.



