Rapid Response Task Force

The Rapid Response Task Force or referred as RRTF, was a New Republic naval task force used in the Battle of Mindor in 5 ABY.


The task force was composed of a variety of frigates, assault ships and heavier cruisers, led by the MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser Justice. In the naval force's roster was a Bulwark Mark I, complete with at least three starfighter squadrons and several landing craft, two Acclamator-class assault ships, three modified Corellian freight liners serving as frigates, and five CC-7700 interdictor cruisers, carrying one fighter squadron each.

The force was aided by the new Mon Calamari battle cruiser Remember Alderaan, commanded by Lando Calrissian, which arrived late at the battle.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare



