Revan Mythologies

The Revan Mythologies was a series of fables and myths recounted by the Jedi Master Ilia Orpin, who was the gatekeeper of a Jedi holocron. Named after the famous Jedi Revan, the Mythologies provided an extensive account of Jedi history, including its possible origins on Tython. Many of the Mythologies featured the Rakata, and spoke of Jedi heroes who found Rakatan devices and were forced to choose between destroying them or being corrupted by their power. They also described countless temples and ruins on Tython, including those connected to the ancient Je'daii and to the Jedi Order.

Some scholars considered Orpin's works to be an updated derivative reworking of the Qel-Droma Epics, a similar set of mythical stories that spoke of the Great Hyperspace War and the Great Sith War, to better acculturate Jedi younglings of the day. On the contrary, around 3951 BBY, Jedi historian Deesra Luur Jada asserted that Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma had different motives for becoming Sith Lords from Revan and Alek.


  • Nexus of Power
