Rogues Gallery (Star Wars Insider)

Star Wars Insider 130: "The Unusual Suspects"

"The Unusual Suspects"

"The Unusual Suspects"

In issue 130, the article was titled "The Unusual Suspects: Who's Who in Mos Eisley" and revealed the names of several background characters from the Mos Eisley scenes of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

Star Wars Insider 131: "An Audience of Aliens"

In issue 131, the article was titled "An Audience of Aliens: Who's Watching the Boonta Eve Classic?" and revealed the names of several background characters from the podracing scenes of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

Star Wars Insider 132: "Who's Who: The Bounty Hunters!"

In issue 132, the article revealed background details of the contestants of the Tournament on Serenno from the seventeenth episode of Season Four from The Clone Wars television series, titled "The Box."

Star Wars Insider 133: "Celebrating a Rebel Victory!"

Issue 133 contained a Rogues Gallery titled "Celebrating a Rebel Victory, Who's Who in Massassi Temple" by Leland Chee. It reveals the name of every Rebel soldier standing behind Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca at the celebration.

Star Wars Insider 142: "Loyal to their Queen!"

The article introduced Padmé Amidala's handmaidens, revealing the names of three background characters.

Star Wars Insider 143: "Jabba's Henchmen!"

The article introduced Jabba the Hutt's skiff guards.

Star Wars Insider 144: "You're Barred!"

The article introduced the Mos Eisley cantina's bartender and patrons from The Star Wars Holiday Special.

Star Wars Insider 145: "Naboo's Finest!"

The article introduced eighteen members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces.

Star Wars Insider 146: "Clearance for Immediate Launch"

The article introduced eighteen members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic seen during the Battle of Hoth.

Star Wars Insider 147: "The Devious Neimoidians Revealed"

The article introduced seventeen Neimoidians seen during the prequel trilogy.

Star Wars Insider 148: "The Cloud City Wing Guards"

The article introduced twenty-one residents of Cloud City seen in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.

Star Wars Insider 149: "Meet the Crew of the Ghost"

The article introduced the six crew members of the starship Ghost, the heroes in the then-upcoming animated television series Star Wars Rebels.


Insider #130 - "The Unusual Suspects: Who's Who in Mos Eisley" has discrepancies between the pictured Reegesk's mask and that seen in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The Ranat pictured in this issue of Insider may in fact be Nevar Yalnal, but Leland Chee has not clarified this. The confusion continues with both Takeel and Zutton reversed from their Decipher CCG images. In the Decipher cards, Zutton is shown with a full head of hair, while in the Insider image he has patchy hair and a large hump. Takeel is shown by Decipher to have patchy hair and a large hump, but the Insider image shows him with a full head of hair and a small hump. The identified images of Mosep Binneed and Tawss Khaa also differ from those used by Decipher. Insider #130 establishes Mosep as having white hair and a topknot.

Starting with Insider #145, behind-the-scenes notations of the Rogues Gallery are supplied on the Facebook page "Star Wars Sourcebooks," moderated by Tim Veekhoven, Kevin Beentjes, and Sander de Lange, which explain some elements both in-universe and out-of-universe regarding the article.












