Skirmish of unidentified village (Genbara)

The village guards began to turn the tide against the bandits when the bandits' leader, a female Sith named Kouru, stepped out of the Troop Transport Tank the bandits had arrived in. Kouru, who claimed to be a Dark Lord of the Sith, killed the commanding guard, a Trandoshan male individual before engaging the other bounty hunters defending the village. Meanwhile, the bandits fired weapons on much of the village, and the shrapnel damaged the Ronin's astromech droid companion B5-56.

The Ronin, who was as-yet still inside the teahouse, asked the Sullustan shopkeep, who had once been a mechanic, to repair his droid by the time a pot of tea boiled. The Sullustan agreed, and the Ronin departed the teahouse to challenge Kouru to a lightsaber duel.

The Ronin and Kouru dueled in the town square before fighting on a river and down a waterfall. The Ronin, in his old age, fell from the waterfall, but Kouru correctly suspected that he survived the fall. He took refuge in an abandoned temple of the Jedi hidden beneath the waterfall, lying in ambush for Kouru when she appeared. The Ronin, who had two lightsabers, activated one of them and placed in the hands of an old Jedi statue. The bandit leader rushed into the temple, striking with her lightsaber parasol and cutting the statue down; believing she had felled the Ronin. However, the elderly man appeared behind Kouru and killed her with his second lightsaber before saying a prayer over her corpse.

Kouru was later resurrected as a Sith demon by a disembodied voice, who was secretly the daughter of the Ronin and the Sith witch with whom the Ronin had once led the Sith rebellion.

Behind the scenes

The skirmish first appeared in "The Duel," a short film and episode of Star Wars: Visions produced by Kamikaze Douga and released for streaming on Disney+ on September 22, 2021. The skirmish, especially the duel between the Ronin and Kouru, served as the main plot of "The Duel."









