Star Wars: The Magic of Myth is a traveling exhibition created by the Smithsonian Institute, featuring props and costumes used in the Star Wars films, but focusing primarily on the mythic themes behind George Lucas' fantasy worlds and characters using Joseph Campbell's influential book The Hero With a Thousand Faces as a model.
- Darth Vader's suit and helmet
- Han Solo
- Chewbacca
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- C-3PO
- R2-D2
- Luke Skywalker
- Leia Organa
- Stormtrooper
- Snowtrooper
- Scout trooper
- Palpatine
- Younglings
- Padmé Amidala
- Anakin Skywalker
- Wooof
- Lando Calrissian
- Boba Fett's armor and helmet
- Boushh's armor
- Darth Maul
- Zam Wesell
- Red Guard
- Jawa
- Tusken Raider
- Imperial officer's uniform
- TIE pilot
- Rebel pilot
- Gamorrean guard
- Lyn Me
- Greeata
- Rystáll
- Weequay
- AdmiralGial Ackbar
- Millennium Falcon
- Anakin Skywalker's Podracer
- Zam Wesell'sspeeder
- Anakin's airspeeder
- 74-Z speeder bike
- Bantha-II cargo skiff
- Sebulba's podracer
- Tantive IV
- Tantive IVEscape Pod
- Y-wing
- X-wing
- TIE Fighter
- Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
- TIE Interceptor
- TIE/sa bomber
- T-47 airspeeder
- Tauntaun
- Wampa
- Viper probe droid
- Cloud car
- Slave I
- Mon Calamari cruiser
- Tydirium
- Hang glider
- B-wing
- Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
In various parts of the exhibit there conceptual art and design pieces by Ralph McQuarrie, Doug Chiang, John Mollo, Joe Johnston, Norman Reynolds, Nilo Rodis-Jamero, Paul LeBlanc, and Marilee Heyer as well as the conceptual storyboards by Alex Tavoularis.
- Anthony Daniels was a guest at the exhibition's opening in 2002 along with Mary Oyaya and Nalini Krishan as guests in January 2003.
- The props and costumes from Attack of the Clones were only part of the exhibition when it toured Sydney.
- Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum October 29, 1997 through January 31, 1999
- The San Diego Museum of Art September 25, 1999 through January 2, 2000
- The Minneapolis Institute of Arts February 27, 2000 through June 4, 2000
- The Field Museum, Chicago July 15, 2000 through January 7, 2001
- The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston March 11, 2001, through June 24, 2001
- The Toledo Museum of Art, August 5, 2001 through January 5, 2002
- The Brooklyn Museum of Art, February 16, 2002 through June 9, 2002
- Powerhouse Museum, Sydney 18 September 2002 through 23 February 2003