Strom (aide)


A Human male, Strom was a diplomat of the Galactic Republic during the Cold War, a proxy conflict between Republic and the Sith Empire. Stationed on the planet Taris, he served as an aide to Governor Leontyne Saresh, a Twi'lek politician who led a project called Taris Resettlement Initiative, seeking to restore the planet.

In 3643 BBY, he was approached by a Republic-aligned individual at the Olaris Spaceport and asked them to meet Governor Saresh in her office, to help with the restoration project.

Personality and traits

Strom was tan-skinned, with brown eyes and brown hair.

Behind the scenes

Strom appears in the "Reconstruction Efforts" Republic-only mission in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game by BioWare released on December 20, 2011.



