Sulphur Pits of Vulcar

The Sulphur Pits of Vulcar were sulfur pits located on the planet Vulcar that were mined for oridium deposits. The world's acrid atmosphere made employing humanoid workers barely cost-effective. As a result, Vulcar was primarily worked by droids of all types, including crab droids, reprogrammed to serve as miners until they froze up and rusted into scrap. In the year 15 BBY, an Intergalactic Droid Agency shuttle traveled to the Sulphur Pits of Vulcar after delivering the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO to the planet Dodz.

Vulcar was first mentioned in Droids (1986) 1, the first issue of the Star Wars: Droids comic series published by Star Comics, an imprint of Marvel Comics, which was first published on April 1, 1986.

Behind the scenes

Vulcar was first mentioned in Droids (1986) 1, the first issue of the Star Wars: Droids comic series published by Star Comics, an imprint of Marvel Comics, which was first published on April 1, 1986.


  • The Essential Atlas



